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那么这种效应是累积性的。So the effect in cumulative.

这里边有累积的影响。These are cumulative effects.

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有累积效应的危险。R33 Danger of cumulative effects.

年累积日照时数为2903小时。Cumulative sunshine hours for 2903 hours.

累积效应是惊人的。The cumulative effects were breathtaking.

受辐射累计量或吸收剂量。the cumulative amount or dose of radiation.

人生就是你一系列决议的总合。Life is the cumulative sum of your decisions.

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添加一个累计百分率的柱形到图中。Add a cumulative percentage column to the table.

就像糖,损害是缓慢的和累积性的。Just like sugar, the damage is slow and cumulative.

此外,移民会产生累积性影响。Moreover, the effects of immigration are cumulative.

世卫组织已相应更新其累计病例数。WHO has updated its cumulative number of cases accordingly.

短光照对滞育的诱导作用具有累积效应。Short daylength had a cumulative effect on diapause induction.

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另外,它每半个月对所报道的新闻附加提供一份索引。And it provides a semimonthly cumulative index to its contents.

在X轴上标出原因,Y轴上标出累计百分率。Plot with causes on x-axis and cumulative percentage on y-axis.

多种疾病长期的折磨使祖父虚弱不堪。The cumulative effects of many illnesses made grandpa a weak man.

胍乙啶的作用是蓄积性的,且可维持较长时间。The effects of guanethidine are cumulative over extended periods.

三部探险车在月球表面累计行进55英里,它们被永远留在了月球上。The three rovers covered a cumulative 55miles on the lunar surface.

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用累积剂量法建立3组患者的剂量反应曲线。The cumulative dose-response curves of the 3 groups were established.

你总是需要记住数学课程是慢慢积累的。You’ve always got to remember that mathematics courses are cumulative.

未戒烟者与不吸烟者的累积生存率相同。Cumulative survival was similar among persistent smokers and nonsmokers.