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肺脏的顶部得到适当的氧合作用。The apices of the lungs get proper oxygenation.

它维持细胞氧化,使不发生突变。It sustains cell oxygenation so that mutations will not occur.

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这层膜是由于干性油氧化形成的。The sheet of membrane was formed from the oxygenation of dry oil.

加湿、充氧可提高缢蛏的存活率。Humidification and oxygenation could increase the survival rate of S.

研究结果证明,硝酸钠对铈的氧化作用是显著的。It shows that the oxygenation of the sodium nitrate is obvious to cerium.

在麦汁充氧过程中,一定量的无菌空气被充入麦汁中。During the wort oxygenation a certain amount of air is blown into the wort.

大脑的运转需要进行氧合作用,而这就需要血流为其输氧。The brain needs oxygenation to function and this comes from the blood flow.

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乳铁蛋白支持白血球活动时,能够增强组织充氧功能。It enhances oxygenation of tissues while supporting white blood cell activity.

目标的关键是建立适当的组织灌注和氧。The key goal is the establishment of adequate tissue perfusion and oxygenation.

先进的生产设备,能够满足您多样的热处理加工项目。We have two sets of more function no oxygenation cementite and quench production line.

目的研究紫外线照射充氧自血回输治疗银屑病的机制。Objective To study the mechanisms of ultraviolet blood irradiation and oxygenation for psoriasis.

强烈建议使用连续的定量氧合监测器,如脉搏血氧仪。Continuous use of a quantitative monitor of oxygenation such as pulse oximetry is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

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目的探讨高压氧治疗眼底病及眼外伤的临床疗效。Objective to explore clinical effect of Hyperbaric oxygenation on ocular fundus diseases and ocular traumas.

渠道内进行着中和作用、铁与铝的沉淀作用及二价铁的氧化作用。It carries on the neutralization, precipitation of iron and aluminum and ferrous oxygenation alone the channel.

结论腹腔镜手术后用CPAP,能改善老年患者肺氧合功能,减少肺部并发症。Conclusion CPAP ventilation after laparoscopy may improve pulmonary oxygenation and reduce PPCs in aged patients.

目的探讨西沙必利在腹膜氧合治疗急性肺损伤的过程中,对血气的变化及其可能机制。Objective To explore the effect and mechanism of cisapride in peritoneal oxygenation therapy in acute lung injury.

结论高压氧治疗复发性口腔溃疡可迅速改善症状及减少复发。Conclusions To use hyperbaric oxygenation treat recurrent oral ulcer can rapidly improve symptoms and reduce recurrent.

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利用实验所得数据对经验公式进行优化回归得出了超低碳钢的氧化烧损模型。Using the data from experiment to optimize the empirical formula to ultra-low carbon steel back the oxygenation loss model.

中药能有效的行气活血,解郁通络,改善微循环供血,增加局部组织氧供。Chinese medicine can effectively and blood circulation, meridians, blood microcirculation, increase local tissue oxygenation.

光催化氧化作为一种高级氧化技术近年来在难降解污染物的处理方面得到了广泛的研究。Photocatalytic reduction as a method of advanced oxygenation has been widely researched in treatment of undegradable pollutants.