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当前,外空领域正日益面临武器化的危险。Outer space is now facing the looming danger of weaponization.

他重申中国坚决一贯主张和平利用外空,坚决反对外空武器化。He reiterated that China is firmly opposed to the weaponization of space and the program is peaceful.

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中国努力推动国际社会采取切实措施,防止外空军备竞赛和防止外空武器化,并采取建设性行动,支持日内瓦裁军谈判会议在达成全面、平衡的工作计划的基础上,早日走出僵局。Precautionary measures should be taken to earnestly prevent the weaponization of and an arms race in outer space.

将古典音乐研制成武器充分地说明了英国统治阶级的专制和文化倒退。The weaponization of classical music speaks volumes about the British elite's authoritarianism and cultural backwardness.

有人声称伊朗正在进行武器化研究,然而,这是我们正在调查的问题。There are allegations that Iran has conducted weaponization studies, however this is an issue we are still looking into in.

为了弥补现有外空法律机制的缺陷和漏洞,从根本上杜绝外空武器化和外空军备竞赛,我们显然需要一项新的法律文书。These treaties have contributed, to some extent, to the prevention of the weaponization of and an arms race in outer space.

应大力推进外空非武器化和防止外空军备竞赛的多边谈判进程。Multilateral negotiation process to prevent the weaponization of and arms race in outer space should be vigorously promoted.

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多年来,国际社会为防止外空武器化和外空军备竞赛进行了许多有益的尝试。Over years, international community has endeavored on many fronts to prevent the weaponization of and an arms race in outer space.

这些都表明,确保和平利用外空,防止外空武器化,避免外空军备竞赛,正日益成为国际社会的普遍愿望和广泛共识。The international community has gained broad common understanding in preventing the weaponization of and an arms race in outer space.

多年来,国际社会为防止外空武器化和防止外空军备竞赛进行了有益尝试。Over years, the international community has endeavoured on many fronts in preventing the weaponization of and an arms race in outer space.

关于第二个问题,我想指出,中方一贯主张和平利用外空,反对外空武器化和外空军备竞赛。On the second question, China has all along upheld the peaceful use of outer space. We oppose the weaponization and arms race in outer space.

外空武器化不仅会阻碍外空的和平利用,还会对全球战略稳定造成空前的伤害。Weaponization of outer space will not only impede its peaceful use, but also bring about unprecedented harm to the global strategic stability.

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改进的小型战术弹药也使小型无人机如影子200能够突破有效载荷限制,具备打击能力。STM's small size also enables weaponization of smaller UAS, such as the Shadow 200, that currently cannot be weaponized because of payload limitations.

但与此同时,美国军事航天转型引发的外层空间武器化趋势将成为世界和平的一个新的严重威胁,国际社会不应对此听之任之。At the same time, the weaponization of the outer space will pose a grove threat to world peace and should be resisted by the entire international community.

事实上,伊朗人的核武器研制模型、铀浓缩设施和核发射系统进展神速,这一点似乎明白无误。Indeed, it seems clear that the Iranians are working at breakneck speed on nuclear weaponization models, enrichment facilities and nuclear-capable delivery systems.

一些技术专家和美国国会议员也表示关注,他们认为布什总统的政策体现了对太空“武器化”采取单边立场。Also, some technical experts and members of Congress have expressed concern that President Bush's policy conveys a unilateralist attitude toward the "weaponization" of space.

外空军事化的进程不断加快,外空武器化的危险迫在眉睫,国家安全格局面临严重的冲击。As the process of outer space militarization is speeding up, and the danger of outer space weaponization is pending, the national security structure is facing a serious impact.

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当前外空面临武器化的危险,防止外空武器化和外空军备竞赛,已成为十分紧迫的现实问题。At present, outer space is faced with the danger of weaponization, and protection of outer space from weaponization and an arms race has become a very urgent and realistic issue.

Palmisano指出,直到最近,iRobot公司已经开始机器人武器化,推测可能是商业和金融压力迫使公司改变发展路线。Until recently, iRobot had been against the weaponization of robots, Palmisano notes, speculating that perhaps business and financial pressures have compelled the company to change course.

双方也意识到了太空技术能够对军事力量和国际影响力产生重大影响,双方都在开发能够对抗彼此军事力量和国际影响力的技术,双方都在谴责彼此在和平利用太空的表面背后隐藏了太空武器的研制,双方都否认存在武器竞赛。Both are developing the technologies to counter each other’s military power and international influence. Both accuse each other of hiding space weaponization behind a veneer of peaceful uses.