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因为有一个墨绿色的巨大长鼻子,加林丹被昵称为“长鼻子”。Garindan is nicknamed "Long Snoot, " for his long, green-black elephantine trunk.

象猫一样地反复无常,我行我素的性格。The ground is capricious like elephantine cat, the disposition of persist one's old ways.

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印度的决策者,如同有大象的地区的管象人一样,至少应该明白这一点。India’s current rulers, the mahouts to an elephantine state, seem at least to understand this.

从桂林火车站到象山公园有多远?打的大概要多少钱?。Have many to park elephantine mountain from Guilin railway station far?Hit big essentials how many money?

毫无疑问,稀有大象造访这一事件很好诠释了““国家的外交关系正在改善”的说法。The rare elephantine visitation undoubtedly reflected an "improvement in the country's foreign relations".

埃勒凡塔犹太社区的出现,与古埃及第26王朝的雇佣兵制度密不可分。The establishment of the Jewish community on the island of Elephantine was linked with the mercenaries of the Dynasty 26.

这个边缘虽然是线状发展,假如没有大它者的关注,像大象的粗壮的脚一般踩住,它会却绕来绕去,晕眩转向。A margin which, linear as it may be, reveals its vertigo, even if it is not trampled by the elephantine feet of the other's whim.

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我刚才只是告诉你我的感想。目的是解释特绰兰尼夫人那大象式的蹦蹦跳跳为什么在我眼里破坏了歌剧。I have just been telling you what I think, in order to explain why the elephantine gambols of Madame Tetralani spoil the orchestra for me.

完成大象形状的各个灌木的枝杈的具体形状纷乱杂陈,但整体的外观却是一样的。The anatomical details of twigs and branches will fulfill the elephantine form differently from bush to bush, but the overall outward results are alike.

医疗队为因维人改造的呼吸装置是一套由面具、气罐和管子组成的临时设施,这明显让泰斯拉看起来是又粗又笨。The breathing gear the med group had fashioned for the Invid was a jury-rigged affair of masks, tanks, and tubes, giving Tesla a decidedly elephantine appearance.

百度自身技术出现严重问题,百度蜘蛛现在胖的象芙蓉姐姐,还一直在自恃美丽。Technology of 1 Baidu oneself appears serious problem, the elephantine lotus elder sister with Baidu fat now spider , still be in all the time self-reliant beauty.

哥本哈根气候峰会历时12天,期间抗议不断,与会者做尽姿态、说尽空话。After 12 days of protests, posturing and seemingly endless palaver, the elephantine gathering that was the Copenhagen climate summit has laboured mightily and brought forth.

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患者腰背部在此室内暴露10分钟,热象图包括胸部及臀中部,将热象图记录在偏振片上。Patient the small of the back is in this is indoor expose 10 minutes, the graph that heat up an elephant includes bosom and buttock mid, will hot record elephantine a plan is on polarizer.