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血统被传递种马边。Lineage is passed on the stallion side.

婚姻大体上是为了保险和繁衍。Marriage mostly was for security and lineage.

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是第一个具有之C血统的语言。B was the first language in the C lineage directly.

东北支系B仅局限分布在东北地区的东部。Lineage B is restricted to part of northeast China.

提起自己的血统,艾弗可以骄傲的上溯到寂静时代。Ivor proudly traces his lineage back to the Silence.

因此仅只于此,主阿,我知道信仰的边界。Thus only is it, Lord, that I know the lineage of the faith.

尽管树居人不太可能是我们的世系。Even though H. gautengensis isn't likely in our direct lineage.

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由先祖制作的活尸则继承其世系。Any Prometheans the Progenitor then creates inherit his Lineage.

拥有足够宗谱2爬升在游戏中更重要的是,你可能想。But I could feel your tears cause you are in lineage 2 adena me.

这是由于它直接来自原始巫舞之故。This is due to their direct lineage from primitive sorcery dance.

后来,克诺比出现在卢克面前,透露了卢克的真实身世。Later, Kenobi appeared to Luke and revealed the truth of his lineage.

可不可能这对染色体只是在我们人类的族系中丢失的呢?Is it possible that a pair of chromosomes just got lost in our lineage?

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他们属于一个独立的支系,从普通的土壤阿米巴原虫进化而来。They belong to a separate lineage that evolved from ordinary soil amoebas.

你好,这里还有一个前一段时间适应天堂享受永恒之塔怪物。Hello there, well here a AION Monster adapted to Lineage some time ago enjoy.

具有讽刺意味的是,达尔文自己的血统和婚姻也可以拿来做实验。Ironically, his own lineage and marriage could have been experiments as well.

人们在意外貌,而一个人的种族、遗传因子影响着他的外表。People care about looks, and one's race and genetic lineage affect one's looks.

到这天,阿拉伯的马血统被沿着水坝线向后地追踪。To this day, the lineage of the Arabian horse is traced back along the dam line.

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应弟子智宣的提议,我们将为我们的传承建构一个标志。As suggested by disciple Zhi Xuan, we are going to create a logo for our lineage.

我呼吁来自画家卡斯帕大卫弗里德里希到里希特宗族绘制。I draw upon a lineage of painters from Caspar David Friedrich to Gerhard Richter.

原貌依世系而异,可能是全身伤疤与缝线,或看起来像黏土捏成的人形。He might be scarred and stitched or appear to be made of clay, depending on his Lineage.