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陶文化又是文化之根,艺术之源。Earthenware culture is of culture , source of art.

泡茶的壶应为瓷制或陶制。The teapot should be made of china or earthenware.

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不行。你得用陶土制成的砂锅煮药。No, you can't. You'd better use an earthenware pot.

他的高收入来自他的陶器厂。His high earnings came from his earthenware factory.

这城市以陶器的制造而出名。This city is noted for its manufacture of earthenware.

陶泥是我用来做雕塑作品的材料。Earthenware clay is the material I use to make sculptures.

他将每天省下的零用钱放进扑满里。He puts his savings in his earthenware money box every day.

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现在我想试着做陶器生意,卖锅碗瓢盆什么的。Now I will try to start a business with pots and earthenware.

就是一种褐色的陶土杯,杯底内画有一只绿色的小青蛙。A brown earthenware mug with a little green frog at the bottom.

时至今日,陶器仍被广泛用于烹调、冷冻和盛放食品。Earthenware is still widely used for cooking, freezing, and serving.

陶器的优点在于比木器更容易保持清洁。Earthenware has an advantage over wood in being more easily kept clean.

他们使用了一种叫做“彩陶”,这是通常用于陶器。They used a method called "faience", which is normally used for earthenware.

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火热的嘴,奸恶的心,好像银渣包的瓦器。Like a coating of glaze over earthenware are fervent lips with an evil heart.

丰田凯美瑞评价早先我在泥土中搜寻陶器以研究地震。Early I searched through the earth for earthenware so as to research in earthquake.

这个建筑放满了呈现出陶缸内衬的山洞的照片做装饰。This building is decorated with pictures showing a cave lined with earthenware jars.

相比起陶器,瓷器显得更白,而且它们还有一层更加光滑的抛光面。Things made of porcelain are usually whiter and have a smoother finish than earthenware.

一件精美的松石绿釉陶瓶,上有两只飞翔的仙鹤。An attractively enamelled turquoise earthenware bottle vase depicting two cranes in flight.

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当他再次醒来时,发现土陶碗里盛着更多的食物,他的衣服整齐的叠放在身边。When he awoke there was more food in earthenware bowls and his clothes were beside him in a neat pile.

一件大型精美的陶壶,胎身偏红色,外部施以绿彩,表面有银色光泽。A fine and large Hu form reddish earthenware vase, the exterior covered with a silvered green lead glaze.

一天结束后,演员和剧院老板打开陶制钱盒子,分了一天的收成。At day’s end, actors and theater owners smashed open the earthenware moneyboxes and divided the daily take.