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我很容易被逗乐。I'm easily tickled.

找朋友不难。Easily find friends.

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鸡蛋容易压碎。Eggs crushes easily.

它太容易拗弯了。It bends too easily.

我很容易便晒黑。Because I tan easily.

我的车很好开。My car drives easily.

你容易长雀斑吗?Do you freckle easily?

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干木容易燃烧。Dry wood burns easily.

它不容易松弛下陷。It doesn's sag easily.

这辆车易拉。The cart draws easily.

这大衣易干。The coat dries easily.

这个女孩容易疲劳。The girl tires easily.

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这些根好拔。The roots pull easily.

这把弓容易弯。This bow bends easily.

这个水龙头容易转动。This tap turns easily.

干柴容易点燃。Dry wood lights easily.

她的皮肤很容易擦破。Her skin chafes easily.

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沙子很容易抖掉。Sand shakes off easily.

那种布容易着色。That cloth dyes easily.

这种纸容易扯烂。The paper tears easily.