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怎么管不着?Why shouldn't we interfere?

那些树挡住了视线。The trees interfere with the view.

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你不可以干涉我审案。You must not interfere in my cases.

用该法测定不受尿色的干扰。The colour of urine do not interfere.

请不要干涉我的私事。Please do not interfere in my private affairs.

恐惧会妨碍脱体经验的发生,所以必须加以克服。Fears always interfere and must thus be overcome.

它是否会干扰编译时优化呢?Does it interfere with compile-time optimizations?

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我必须去劝劝了,不然他们得打起来。I need to interfere or they will get into a fight.

你要是和耐莉吵架,我可不管,她尽可以把你丢到煤洞里去,我才不管呢。I'll interfere in no quarrels between you and Nelly.

安全模式可能会干扰文件和图像上传。Safe mode may interfere with file and image uploads.

放入的胃镜不会干扰你的呼吸。The endoscope does not interfere with your breathing.

每个非格点轨线干扰到邻近轨线。Each off-grid track can interfere with adjacent tracks.

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一些人认为疫苗干预了“自然免疫力”。Some believe vaccines interfere with "natural immunity".

总是节外生枝,总是有人出面干涉。Always there is something. Always someone will interfere.

不要感情用事,以免影响你赚钱。Don't let your emotions interfere with moneymaking deals.

别让精神信仰跟工作混到一块儿。Don’t let your spiritual beliefs interfere with your work.

乐摸机不该搅乱你的生活,它是你生活的一部份。LOMO does not interfere with your life, it's a part of it.

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他们干扰入睡,防止深睡眠。They interfere with falling asleep and prevent deep sleep.

但是常用的避孕药会影响这个过程。And a common contraceptive may interfere with that process.

他在为期末考试作准备,不要打扰他。Dont interfere with him. Hes preparing for the final exams.