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干嘛不把她剁成几块然后扔到垃圾车里?。Why not just chop her up in pieces and stutt her in the dumpster?

今天在工作时,我把一只巨大的垃圾袋从垃圾箱里搬出来。Today, at work, I was bringing a very heavy garbage bag out to the dumpster.

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你低头看车库前面,在那个垃圾桶下面有一大撂钞票。Put your head down in front of this garage. Under that dumpster is a big pile of money.

Charles从警卫室推着一个小垃圾桶出来,他尽了最大的努力遮盖伤口。Charles pushes a small dumpster out of the Guard Room and does his best to conceal his wound.

结果——紧缩继续,房地产和商业地产继续贬值。Result ----- depression continues and housing and business buildings continue to go into the dumpster.

再者,弃婴岛能够阻止父母把婴儿丢在垃圾箱或者厕所里,这是犯罪。Besides, abandoned island can stop parents from abandoning baby in dumpster or toilet, which is a crime.

同一天晚上,在塞尔维亚古城美食店,厨师在垃圾箱内发现一具尸体。It's the same night the kitchen staff finds a body in the dumpster at the Old Town Serbian Gourmet House.

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杰克·鲍尔悄悄走到酒馆后面,踩着一个金属大垃圾箱爬上铺着沥青的平坦屋顶。Jack Bauer had slipped to the back of the tavern and used a metal Dumpster to get a boost to the flat tar roof.

他们当中的许多人常去翻垃圾桶,去寻找数百万件事先批准、且已过时的信用卡邮件,而其它人则去偷钱包。A lot of them go Dumpster diving for those millions of "pre-approved" credit-card mailings that go out every day.

不要在你自己的小号垃圾桶或废纸篓里套塑料袋,直接把垃圾扔进大号的垃圾桶或垃圾箱里。Leave your smaller trash cans or wastepaper baskets unlined and dump you trash directly into your large garbage cans or dumpster.

他的敏感。他不怕掩饰自己的真实感受。还记得他曾靠在垃圾桶边哭泣吗?当时真想上去给他个安慰的拥抱。His sensitivity. He's not afraid to hide his true feelings. Remember when he cried by the dumpster? We just wanted to give him a big hug.

明尼苏达州一只熊在垃圾桶搜寻食物时被当地电视台一名记者拍摄下来,在电视台播放后,一时大出风头。A bear in Minnesota is getting a 15 minutes of fame after a photographer for a local TV station caught him on tape foraging for food in a Dumpster.

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此外,活动组织方还准备了一个大型垃圾箱和一把长柄锤,用来对付那些不能粉碎的物品,例如旧电脑和让人发胖的办公室盒装零食等。A Dumpster and a sledgehammer were available for items that couldn't be shredded, which included an old computer and a tin of fattening office snacks.

在大家唱生日快乐歌之前,我看到一个小男孩,年纪大概和我相仿,还有一个女的,他们在公园的垃圾箱里找吃的。Before everyone sang happy birthday, I saw a little boy, probably my age, and a woman, digging in the park dumpster for food. Something happened to me.

这可怜的孩子受了不少苦——他就住在我捡到盒子的那个小巷里,从垃圾车倾倒的垃圾堆里捡东西吃——而垃圾堆被无家可归的人们翻捡一遍后,就剩不下什么给他了。Poor boy's had it rough—he was living in that same alley, and the pickings from Dumpster diving were slim after the homeless folks took what they needed.

尽管在隔间内我近距离接触了这个针头,在步行到垃圾箱之前我还是愿意跟垃圾袋保持两个手指的距离,对其敬而远之。Despite my willingness to get up close and personal with the needle in the booth, I walk to the Dumpster with the trash bag between two fingers, at arm’s length.

但其成本太高,只有像库欣高中或很好的私立大学才能负担得起——而我们其他学校只好把图书扔进垃圾桶。But the cost is so high that only places like the Cushing Academy or well endowed universities can afford it —the rest of us just end up with books in the dumpster.

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我拖着垃圾箱后面沉重的塑料门,试图把它平衡在墙上,因为位置特殊,不花一番努力是难以做到。I pull the heavy plastic door of the Dumpster back, trying to balance it on the wall. Because of the placement, this is hard to do, requiring no small amount of effort.

我还采访过另外一个母亲,她每天下午五点开始就坐立不安,然后把自己手提袋里的东西统统装进一个纸袋子,告诉同事要把一些垃圾从后门带出去,丢进垃圾桶。Another mother I interviewed grew so restless by 5 p.m. that she dumped the contents of her purse into a paper bag and told co-workers she was taking some trash out the back door to the dumpster.

真空装载机都采用独立式设计,可以吸取并直接卸下干湿材料与卡车、大型装卸卡车或其他收集设备。Each trailer-mounted VecLoader industrial vacuum loader is completely self-contained and will vacuum and directly discharge wet or dry materials into a truck, dumpster or other collection device.