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有条子直接纺纱-毛羽低。Sliver to yarn spinning-less hairiness.

他们的颜色及绒毛都各不相同。They can vary in color and in hairiness.

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纱线毛羽与捻度不匀严重影响织物质量。Yarn hairiness and twist unevenness affect fabric quality seriously.

纱线毛羽直接影响生产效率和织物外观质量。Yarn hairiness directly affects producing efficiency and the appearance of yarn.

叶毛羽和花头大小、质地是参差不齐字。Leaf texture and hairiness and flower head size are the highly variable characters.

通过试验研究了赛络纺纱技术对芳砜纶纱线毛羽的减少情况。The technology of Sirospun is applied in reducing the PSA yarn hairiness in this study.

为达到减少环锭纺纱线毛羽的目的,采用了错位纺纱的试验方案。The technique of mismatch spinning to reduce ring spinning yarn hairiness is described in detail.

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在环锭纺纱系统中,细纱工序是产生纱线毛羽的主要工序。The spinning process is the main process that produces the yarn hairiness in the system of ring spinning.

纱线毛羽直接影响织物的品质,对织机织造效率影响较大。Yarn hairiness directly affects the quality of fabric, it also exerts a great effect on textile efficiency.

一种观点认为,当我们的祖先冒险穿越非洲炎热的萨凡纳地区时,为了保持周身的凉爽,他们选择自己脱去毛发。One suggestion is that our ancestors shed hairiness to keep cool when venturing across the hot savannahs of Africa.

介绍了纱线毛羽在织造过程中的危害及以往研究中存在的问题。The harm of the yarn hairiness for weaving process and some questions in previous researching about it i described.

对单纱精确上浆装置上浆后的浆纱经过织造模拟后毛羽变化的规律进行了研究。This article studies the rule of hairiness variation after sized by precision slashing and abraded by weaving simulator.

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重点从赛络纱成纱强度及成纱毛羽两方面对影响赛络纱成纱质量的因素进行详细地分析。The factors of influencing siro-spun yarn quality were detailedly analysed from the aspects of yarn strength and hairiness.

指出苎麻纱的一些疵点和平行伸直度差的纤维是形成毛羽较重要的原因。The results show that the faults of ramie yarn and un-parallel-straightness of its fibre are major factor causing hairiness.

在减少纱线毛羽时,要努力降低纱线毛羽值H及其分布,使其控制在乌斯特97公报的相应水平以内。When the yarn hairiness was being decreased, the yarn hairiness value H and it's distribution would be decreased within Uster'97 level.

苏帕塔纳特萨苏芬是天生多毛症患者,毛发过度生长,这种症状有时也被叫做“狼人综合征。”Supatra "Nat" Sasuphan was born with hypertrichosis, which causes excessive hairiness and is sometimes referred to as "werewolf syndrome.

对细纱工序产生毛羽纱的原因进行分析,提出了减少毛羽纱,提高成纱质量的措施。The cause of yarn hairiness is analysed in spinning process and the measures for reducing hairiness are discussed to improve yarn quality.

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分析了准备工序纱线毛羽变化规律和影响因素,提出减少毛羽的措施。The paper analyses the changing regularity of yarn hairiness on preparatory process, determining factors and method of reducing hairiness.

对经加装减羽喷嘴络筒机处理后纱线的毛羽指数、毛羽外观、捻度和强力进行了实验分析。The hairiness index, hairiness appearance, twist and strength of the yarn produced by the winding machine attached with the nozzle were examined.

根据实践分析了毛羽形成原因,提出了减少毛羽的一些办法,并通过生产实例进行验证。The cause of hairiness are analysed based on practice, the methods of reducing hairiness are put forward and proved through the producing practice.