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看什么?"Seeing what"?

它绝对值得一看。It’s worth seeing.

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它一概值得一看。Ithas worth seeing.

眼见为实吗?Is Seeing Believing?

行路多者见识多。On seeing much more.

见到你太好了,吉恩。Great seeing you, Gene.

一整天见不着你!A day without seeing you!

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这部电影值得一看吗?Is the film worth seeing?

我不能避而不见她。I cannot avoid seeing her.

我一直只看到刺。I was seeing the prickles.

看到了伊犁河。After seeing the Ili River.

我一点也不喜欢见到这样。I did not like seeing that.

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明天我要和汤姆晤面。I'll be seeing Tom tomorrow.

谢谢你见我,B博士。Thanks for seeing me, Dr. B.

看到她时,他感到心烦意乱。He was overset by seeing her.

她与汤姆的约会次数太多了。She's seeing too much of Tom.

我想去看场电影。What do you feel like seeing?

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看着这里的碧水蓝天。Seeing the blue water and sky.

你正在看的是嘎巴拉。What you are seeing is Kapala.

看到此情此景,我禁不住笑出来了。I laughed a little seeing this.