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BNG坐落在阳光明媚的亚利桑那州。BNG is located in sunny Arizona.

亚利桑那州佩森附近的威洛火灾Willow Fire Near Payson, Arizona

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在亚利桑那有许多郊狼。There are many coyotes in Arizona.

亚利桑那州,太阳城,沿街房屋Tract Housing in Sun City, Arizona

亚利桑那州禁止猎杀骆驼。Hunt camels in the state of Arizona.

现在我看到了亚利桑那的仙人掌。Now I see some cactuses out in Arizona.

移居亚利桑纳州治好了她的气喘病。Moving to Arizona cured her of her asthma.

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麦凯恩在亚历桑那州的一个新闻发布会上说McCain spoke at a news conference in Arizona.

好的,亚利桑纳州。夏天真的很热。Yeah, Arizona. It's really hot in the summer.

亚利桑那木材,叶带蓝色,有。Arizona timber tree with bluish silvery foliage.

比如说,亚利桑那州根本就不遵守。For example, Arizona does not observe it at all.

我在亚利桑那州东海岸的MST时间落后3小时。I am in Arizona MST 3 hrs behind east coast time.

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这电影的外景将在亚利桑纳州拍摄。Exteriors for the movie will be filmed in Arizona.

那架单引擎飞机在亚利桑那州西部着陆。The single-engine plane landed in western Arizona.

一只大黄蜂正在一株亚利桑那向日葵上吸取花蜜。A bumblebee draws nectar from an Arizona sunflower.

亚力桑那州,天堂谷,石英山居。Quartz Mountain Residence, Paradise Valley, Arizona.

这位生活艰难的亚利桑那男孩为什么皈依伊斯兰教?Why had this hard-living Arizona boy embraced Islam?

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亚利桑那州排名第11,佛罗里达州排名第15。Among the others, Arizona was 11th and Florida, 15th.

教授,亚利桑那州立大学,滕比。James Elser, professor, Arizona State University, Tempe.

一位亚利桑那州男子把他的运动型汽车改造成了环保车。An Arizona man has turned his sports car into an eco-car.