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他们可以有绝佳的发挥。They can all play superbly.

致胜一球是来自他主罚的一个漂亮角球。The winning goal was from one of his superbly struck corners.

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然后,开始一次最上等的准备和制作的九道菜的宴会。Then began a nine-course dinner superbly prepared and served.

是一款易饮易明,具有完美平衡感,回味悠长的酒。A straightforward wine, superbly balanced, with a long finish.

第二球则是一记从25码施展的美妙的第一时间打门。The second was a superbly -struck first-time shot from 25-yards.

仔细看他的这幅“向日葵”会发现它的构图绝佳。If you look at that sunflower image, it's superbly well-composed.

尽管模仿鸟学很多种鸟的鸣叫声惟妙惟肖。Although mockingbirds superbly mimic the songs and calls of many birds.

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帝企鹅在适应环境方面是伟大的。Emperor penguins are the most superbly adapted bird to these conditions.

我所在的海军部研究实验室的那个组由斯蒂芬?巴特沃思出色的领导着。My section at the Admiralty Research Laboratory was run superbly by Stephen Butterworth.

晚年的爱因斯坦以一头乱蓬蓬的白发,极为成功地扮演了一位先知的形象。The older Einstein, with his halo of wild white hair, plays the role of prophet superbly.

你可能是个训练有素的勇敢的飞行员,但还是会被超级优秀的敌人碾成糊糊。You can be askilled and brave airman and still be creamed by a superbly trained adversary.

艺术对行为没有任何影响,它会让行动的欲望消失殆尽的,它根本不可能有那样的效果。Art has no influence upon action. It annihilates the desire to act. It is superbly sterile.

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罗琳精采地讲述了哈利和他的朋友在学校的冒险。The adventures of Harry and his friends at the school are superbly narrated by J. K. Rowling.

从我到来的第一天起,他们就灰常关心我与我的家人,我们之间没有任何矛盾。They've treated my family and I superbly right from day one and we don't have any complaints.

每隔20年,英国鸟类研究信托公司都会公布一组有关英国和爱尔兰的鸟类生活详细地图分布册。Every 20 years the BTO produces a superbly detailed atlas of bird life in Britain and Ireland.

取消了预订费以后,在线旅行社带动预订量和成交量的表现很不错。After eliminating booking fees, the OTAs have done superbly in driving volume and transactions.

入口柔顺,风格鲜明,带有梅鹿的甜美果味,收口悠长。The palate is soft and stylish with superbly ripe Merlot fruit, leading to a long, sweet finish.

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鞋套、?高帮靴的制造商。这些产品制作精良――这也是我仍然拥有全部手指和脚趾的原因之一。The products wer superbly made—which is one of the reason I still have all of my fingers and toes.

一场历史上空前绝后的文化时刻。被照片精到地捕捉到了。来自布鲁塞尔的感谢。A once in the history of civilization moment, superbly captured by these pics. Thanks from Brussels.

泉州提线木偶以制作精美、表演技艺高超而闻名。String puppetry in Quanzhou is know for its superbly crafted puppets and excellent performance skills.