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不再有符石魔法了。There will be no rune magic.

因此你永远带着这个符文。And so you wear the rune always.

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这是“新的一天”的代表。Daeg is the rune of the New Day.

不同颜色的符文都有一个提供最多受益的效果。Each rune is designed to go in a specific colored slot.

为如尼字母词项目强调信息添加卑劣项目类型。Added base item type to highlight info for rune word items.

改造你的符文武器需要黯黑堡的符文熔炉。Modifying your rune weapon requires a Rune Forge in Ebon Hold.

可以当作血魄、冰霜或者秽邪符文来用。They can be used as if they were a Blood, Frost, or Unholy rune.

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成功施法后,每个符文有10秒冷却时间。Each rune has an individual 10 second cooldown when used successfully.

一次偶然的机会,他发现了一个卢恩文并且暴露于它的神秘力量之下。By chance he stumbles upon a Rune and is exposed to its magical powers.

制作符石书,使用抄写笔选择制作符石书。To make a rune book, use a scribe's pen and select Other then Runebook.

我们是否有改变或改善符文剑舞的计划?Do we have plans for any changes or improvements to Dancing Rune Weapon?

你曾说你的心是冰冷的,把你的泪水涂成神秘的记号。You said your heart is cold, smearing your tears into a mysterious rune.

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若更改武器符文效果,你需要黑锋堡的符文炉。你需要花费5秒钟,将符文安装在武器上。Modifying your rune weapon requires a Rune Forge in Ebon Hold. 5 sec cast.

恐惧打击消耗血、不洁、冰霜符文个一。Forgot to say, Temenos strike takes one blood, one unholy and one frost rune.

代表了圣域或死亡之国的旅程。This rune symbolizes the journey to a place of power, the realms of the dead.

符文监狱现在失去了阻止目标攻击的效果,目标只是不能移动。Rune Prison no longer prevents the target from attacking, and only immobilizes.

“歇斯底里”不再消耗鲜血符文。冷却时间由2分钟增加到3分钟。Hysteria doesn't cost a Blood Rune anymore. Cooldown changed from 2 minutes to 3 minutes.

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洛特·多德的尖帽子最早出现在鲁恩·哈科的角色草图设计里。Lott Dod's pointed miter first appeared in development sketches for Rune Haako's character.

萨萨里安的威胁由符文打击所造成的额外副手武器攻击的伤害被减半。Threat of Thassarian will now properly halve the damage of Rune Strike for the off-hand strike.

从神秘符号文字面板选择字母以组成强大的单词来提升魔法等级。Select letters from your rune board to create words of power and rise through the sorcerous ranks.