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先知殉教者。A prophet martyr.

不要当殉道者把自己给逼死。Don't be a martyr.

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先知殉教者,没错。The martyr prophet exactly.

对,你就牺牲下自己吧“Yeah. You can be a martyr."

耶稣也是先知殉教者。Jesus also is a prophet martyr.

烈士被葬在公墓。The martyr lies in the cemetery.

有一个叫殉道士游斯丁的人。We have a guy named Justin Martyr.

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你的意思是非得做烈士了?You mean, he needs to be a martyr?

巴肖罗缪就是这样的一位殉教者。One such martyr is St. Bartholomew.

本.拉登还想像殉道者那样死去。Bin Laden wanted to die as a martyr.

他成为说法语的加拿大人的死难者。He became a martyr to French-Canadians.

其中最著名的一个就是殉道士游斯丁。One of the most famous is Justin Martyr.

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但是他并没有像一名殉道者一样被人们铭记。But he will not be remembered as a martyr.

够了,说的好像你壮烈牺牲了一样!Enough! Will you stop being such a martyr?

我为天上的那位殉难者祈祷。I was praying to the martyr there on high.

你就牺牲下自己吧,怎么样,派克“Would you be a martyr? How about it Parker?"

作为英雄的烈士,Ziu的肖像也在那里。Ziu's portrait is there as an heroic martyr.

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为艺术而死,真的,是个烈女。Dying for the art so, really, she's a martyr.

与其作忏悔者,不如作殉道者。It is better to be a martyr than a confessor.

我的第一个国文教员是胡也频烈士。My first Chinese teacher was Martyr Hu Yelie.