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藉此你灵浸透全人。Thy Spirit will me saturate.

请把肉浸泡在油和作料的卤汁里。Please saturate the meat in the mixture of oil and herbs.

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洁面后,面部及颈部饱和了一个棉花球及中风。After cleansing, saturate a cotton ball & stroke over face & neck.

然后在头皮上倒两杯调好的混合液Then pour 2 cups over the scalp and let mixture saturate the hair.

因此在花期,果园最好是蜜蜂满园。Thus, growers should saturate the planting with bees at bloom time.

使用时,摇动瓶子,让乳液浸透化妆棉。To use, shake the bottle and saturate a cotton pad with the lotion.

大雨会浸透山坡,会导致毁灭性的泥石流。Heavy rains can saturate hillsides, leading to devastating mudslides.

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根据我们的结果,服务器性能会在350-500个用户时趋于饱和。According to our results, the server starts to saturate at 350-500 users.

油浸透了木材,使之吸收,可以起到保护作用。Saturate the wood with oil and let it soak in. The oil protects the wood.

在特殊情况下,比如你占满了网络连接资源的话,你可以添加一些拆分和同步。In the rare case that you saturate the network connection, add some split and rsync.

施蘑菇肥可增大土壤盐基饱和度,提高冬季草坪质量。Mushroom debris enhanced base saturate rate, and made a better quality of winter turf.

这些天然的成分能被皮肤大量深入的吸收,从而促进了细胞的转换。The natural ingredients can saturate deep into the skin and promote cellular turnover.

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而纤细角毛藻对球等鞭金藻的化感作用主要由饱和脂肪酸引起。The allelopathy effect of C. gracilis on I. galbana was caused by saturate fatty acids.

戴维.沃特金斯忙了一个通宵,他制作出的广告复制带足够覆盖全州。David Watkins worked all night long making enough copies of our ad to saturate the state.

喷雾从优汽车,家庭,RV和任何地方,需要复习,但不饱和。Spray liberally in car, home, RV, and anywhere that needs a refresher, but do not saturate.

这样做为的是不让这些亮星在探测器中产生巨大的光溢出。This was done so that the brightest stars will not saturate large portions of the detectors.

这些研究结果似乎跟充斥于女性杂志中的各种性感广告相矛盾。The findings seem to contradict the sensual images that saturate the ads in female magazines.

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这一些研究结果似乎跟充斥于女孩合订本中的各种性感广告相矛盾。The searchings seem to contradict the sensual images those saturate the ads in female magazines.

护理说明-使用湿布蘸取肥皂水或海绵清除表面污垢,千万不要入水浸泡。Care Instructions-Use a damp soapy cloth or sponge to remove surface dirt. Do not saturate the leather.

试著用这股放松然而平稳的觉知,饱和你的身体,看看作为果报,将会发生什么。Try to saturate your body with this sense of relaxed but steady awareness, and see what happens as a result.