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这是江恩在他的小说前言里自己说的。Gann's own words in the fo reword of the novel.

然后他要求改动一个词。Then he asked to reword one point — to change one word.

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但是,另一些企图“改为”她的书籍和网上销售。However , others have attempted to " reword " her books and sell them online.

这样你得到一个他们所读的想法,你可以改写,如果需要的。This way you get an idea of what they are reading and you can reword it if needed.

评论家说用钱来给学生发信息只是价值上的回报。Critics say paying the students sends a massage that money is the only valuable reword.

改写小零件,甚至添加刑罚,以确保关键字,以及代表在文本中。Reword small parts and even add sentences to make sure that the keyword is well represented in the text.

想一想你正打算说的话所引起的反应,然后确定你是否需要改口说以达到更好的效果。Think of the response to what you are about to say, and decide if you need to reword your statement to be more effective.

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想一想你正打算说的话所引起的反应,然后确定你是否需要改口说以达到更好的效果。Think of the response to what you are about to say , and decide if you need to reword your statement to be more effective.

因此,劳动的充分报酬,既是增加财富的结果,也是增加人口的原因。The liberal reword of labor , therefore , as it is the effect of increasing wealth , so it is the cause of increasing population.

你愿意惊奇,你的孩子在其他方面非常优秀却在如此幼年时,突然成为残疾人吗?Wouldn`t you be wondering how your child, perfect in every other way, could suddenly become a cripple at such an early age? Now let`s reword the above statement