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那个凶残的匪首被处决了。The ferocious chieftain was executed.

中考如同黑色玫瑰,美丽却又狰狞。The black rose, beautiful but ferocious.

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这栋房子由一条恶犬看守。The house is guarded by a ferocious dog.

虎豹都是凶猛的野兽。Both tigers and leopards are ferocious beasts.

剧烈的争吵之后,他把那个人踢死了。After ferocious rows,he kicked the man to death.

我连它们那残忍的眼睛中的灼灼目光都看清楚了。I could catch the glare of their ferocious eyes.

虎豹都是凶猛的野兽。The oncoming force of the typhoon was ferocious.

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老虎非常凶猛,是肉食性动物。A tiger is very ferocious and it eats mainly meat.

面对凶人,小王面无惧色。Facing the ferocious man, Xiao Wang showed no fear.

浓雾逐渐露出了它狰狞的面目。Smoother showed the face of its ferocious gradually.

这头困兽变得凶恶起来。With his back to the wall, the animal became ferocious.

这个铲断很凶狠,但确实是合理的冲撞。It had been a ferocious but perfectly legitimate tackle.

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他的文笔凶猛,而他本人给人的感觉却有些趋于懦弱。Ferocious in writing, he tended to be cowardly in person.

进入该罪司法程序的犯罪主体主要是“悍妻”与“悍虏”。The subject of the crime was shrews and ferocious slaves.

伊希提卜人是蛮烈的斗士,处于绝境时尤其如此。Ishi Tib are ferocious fighters, especially when cornered.

此片仅仅献给爱好烈性犬的狗友。The video only dedicate to people who love ferocious dogs.

城市会使人变得凶残,因为它使人腐化堕落。The cities make ferocious men because they make corrupt men.

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黑潭市的黑潭灯塔在冬季的猛烈的风暴期高潮期间一直点亮着。England, is lit at high tide during a ferocious winter storm.

首先,是徐渭对诡异甚至狰狞意象的捕捉与运用。First, Xu Wei's pursued and used bizarre and ferocious image.

獾和蛇在树林里进行了一场恶斗。The badger and the snake had a ferocious battle in the woods.