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交谈语言比正式语言牛得多。Use conversational language.

我会一些日常会话的英语.I know some conversational English.

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文档编制和会话式用法Documentation and conversational usage

怎么以交谈的语气来写信呢?How do you write in a conversational tone?

但你知不知道什么是谈话资产呢?But do you know what conversational capital is?

那么你的邮件就具有交谈的语气。Then your email will have a conversational tone.

但在这里,人们非常乐意跟你交谈,Out here, people talk to you, very conversational

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工作变得更加自在,交流也变得更加充分。The work is more free-flowing and conversational.

从表面上来看,这只是一句枯燥的、用来打开话匣子的寒暄。At face value, it's just a dull, conversational opener.

有人说梭罗的文章娓娓动听。It has been said that Thoreau's style is conversational.

这是虐待狂式交谈伎俩的一次小演习。It's an exercise in sadistic conversational gamesmanship.

而不足之处在于,这本书缺乏对话感。The downside is that the book lacks a conversational feel.

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让人耳目一新的是作者轻松自如的会话式写作风格。What is refreshing is the author's easy, conversational style.

想要学习更多关于话术理念和其它的东西吗?Want to learn more about this conversational concept and others?

使我感到惊奇的是,他的英语说得如此的好。What suprised me was that he's conversational English was so good.

如果语法打击你的信心,你就试着从对话方面寻找突破口。If grammar just frustrates you, try a more conversational approach.

正是这个人机对话界面对谷歌构成了威胁。It's that conversational interface that poses the threat to Google.

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今天我想和大家谈的是怎样学习对话英语。I'd like to talk to you today on how to learn conversational English.

这个示例中的操作依赖于转换上下文。This an example of an operation depending upon conversational context.

嘱受检者重复。必要时可用谈话语调或大声重复。Ask client to repeat. Repeat in conversational or loud tones if needed.