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她看到他们的船在扬帆徐进。She saw their boat fanning along.

四个奴仆继续为她扇风不止。And the four slaves went on fanning her.

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他用一把小扇子往自己脸上扇风。He is fanning his face with a small fan.

当他滔滔不绝地讲话时,他不停地扇扇子。He kept fanning himself all the time he went on talking.

肖恩的武器变得非常疲惫由范宁把苍蝇。Seán's arms became very tired from fanning away the flies.

她做了个扇风的动作,假装想让自己凉快一点。She made a fanning motion, pretending to cool herself off.

他以扇动胸鳍的方式来为受精卵供氧。He oxygenates the eggs by fanning them with his pectoral fins.

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凯文无法停下继续展开这摞钱。Kevin couldn't stop fanning the stack of hundred-dollar bills.

达科塔·范宁最近在过普通的青少年的生活,但是她远非如此。Dakota Fanning goes to be a normal teen, but she's far from it.

达科塔·范宁最近在过普通的青少年的生活,但是她远非如此。Dakota Fanning goes to be a normal teen, but she`s far from it.

了解更多关于魔卡范宁在这个自由魔术视频基础课。Learn about magic card fanning basics in this free magic lesson video.

这就是范宁,一个始终向往前方光明的姑娘!This is Fanning and she is always looking forward to her bright future.

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看起来好像他用他扇风的强烈能扑灭森林大火。It seemed like he could put out a forest fire with the intensity of his fanning.

14岁的达科塔·范宁每部电影的片酬是四百万美元。Dakota Fanning at 14 years of age now is receiving 4 million per movie appearance.

大厅里太热了,爱丽丝拾起那把粉红色的扇子,开始给自己扇风。It was so hot in the hall that Alice picked up the pink fan and began fanning herself.

目露红光的众人中包括了英国著名演员迈克尔·西恩以及童星,达科特·范宁。The red-eyed baddies include British actor Michael Sheen and child star Dakota Fanning.

在我全然为他独守、贞如花锦的胸脯上,他继续安睡,我抚摸他,雪松涛涛,送来微风习习。There he stayed sleeping, and I caressed him, And the fanning of the cedars made a breeze.

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清后期陕南地区的地主-佃农经济和小农佃耕制度占据主导地位。In southern Shaanxi of late Qing Dynasty, landlord-tenant fanning was the dominant practice.

然而就是在这两块基石上滋生出虚拟经济来,于是构成了虚拟的现代经济社会。On the two sills, however, virtual economy emerges thus fanning the modern economic society.

但当我看到烟尘和熔岩穹丘里令人难以置信的扇形毁灭时,我震撼了。When I saw the smoke and the incredible devastation fanning out below the rim, it stunned me.