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解掉岸缆,开始移泊。Let go shoreline and commenced shifting.

浪头拍击着海岸线。The waves battered against the shoreline.

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强烈的飓风吹打着海岸。Intense hurricane winds pummel the shoreline.

台湾的东部海岸大都是岩岸。Taiwan's eastern shoreline is mostly rocky shores.

动海岸线边界用窄缝法处理。The moving shoreline is treated with a slot method.

他越过一片大海,向弯弯曲曲的海岸线飞去。He was flying over a sea, toward a jagged shoreline.

长时期以来波涛汹涌的海浪冲蚀着海岸线。For eons,the pounding waves ate away at the shoreline.

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不,你不会看到他们时,审时度势海岸线。No, you will not see them when sizing up the shoreline.

空军直升机沿海岸线巡逻。Air force helicopters flew overhead along the shoreline.

租的划艇拥堵在北京昆明湖的岸边。Rental rowboats crowd a shoreline of Beijing's Kunming Lake.

台湾的西部海岸大都是平平的沙滩。Taiwan's western shoreline is mostly flat and sandy beaches.

沿途,村落掩映在深深裂开的海岸线上。Along the route, villages shelter in the deeply fissured shoreline.

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但事实上,放眼四望,海边只有林立的礁石,根本就没有一片沙滩。The reality is a rocky shoreline with no beaches anywhere in sight.

站在悬崖峭壁上,他凝视着远处的法国海岸线。Standing on the cliffs, he gazed at the distant shoreline of France.

岸边有十几只海鸥飞过来迎接他,但谁都没吭声。The dozen gulls by the shoreline came to meet him, none saying a word.

夕阳西下,我们沿着河岸线划行。I rowed the two of us along the edge of the shoreline as sunset approached.

石油是沿着港口Fourchon的,路易斯安那州,星期一,2010年5月31日海岸线。Oil is seen along the shoreline of Port Fourchon, La. , Monday, May 31, 2010.

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对马乌莱和比奥比奥沿海地区来说,这些预警为时已晚。Those alerts came too late for the shoreline communities of Maule and Bio Bio.

海岸线附近每年都会结冰,给钻井机械带来威胁。Ice gathered annually around the shoreline and threatened the drilling machinery.

当在海岸线或水,你需要控制的方向你的身影。When on the shoreline or water, you need to control the direction of your shadow.