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任何这样做的企图都是没有意义的。Any attempt to do so is pointless.

因此许多争执都是不得要领的。So many arguments are so pointless.

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不要把时间浪费在无谓的争吵上。Don’t waste energy in pointless debates.

这只是一种侮辱,一个毫无意义的侮辱。That's just an insult, a pointless insult.

而泰伯博士表示这种举动毫无意义。But Dr Tauber says this activity is pointless.

但是探究具体原因毫无意义。But searching for a precise reason is pointless.

那样做既没风度也没意义,而且说真的,太容易了。That’s churlish, pointless and frankly too easy.

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再次强调“为学语法而学语法”的错误倾向。It's totally pointless learning grammar for its own sake.

他们不屑于他们视为空无意义的东西。They don't value what they regard as inane and pointless.

它是个无意义的时代倒错还是无价的道德指南?Is it a pointless anachronism or an invaluable moral guide?

所有人都为一个尚未开始的计划急得团团转,这是毫无意义的。It is pointless to get everyone worked up over a non-starter.

我知道继续将毫无意义,因此我停止工作小憩一会。I know it’s pointless to continue, so I take a break from work.

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与一个我喜欢的人互通电子邮件,邮件内容毫无意义,而且脾气很坏。Had pointless and bad- tempered e-mail exchange with someone I like.

你知道现在学校里教的那些东西根本没有任何意义。You know that so much of the stuff they teach in school is pointless.

1902年的布尔战争,或者说南非战争很没有意义。The Boer War, or South African War, of 1899-1902 was pretty pointless.

这导致了诸如毫无意义的暴力和战争等所有的问题。This causes all sorts of problems like pointless violence and warfare.

它们是迫切的,它拒绝推迟和无意义的手段。An army of sperm is insistent. It spurns delay and pointless diplomacy.

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这个游戏很无聊也没有什么意义,但值得打发时间。It's called Cubix! It's stupid and pointless but good for killing time.

一名专家说,这可能让人停止浪费精力在无意义的求爱上。An expert said it may stop people wasting energy on pointless courtships.

在讨论我们双方的合作方案时,他把讨论引入了无谓的争吵。He homed on a pointless quarrel when we discussed the plan of cooperation.