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知识一定要被证明是有价值的?Must knowledge be demonstrable to be valuable?

我是否有明摆的后援团支持我的变革?Do I have demonstrable backing to support my change?

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它已取得了显著成效,但还远远不够。It has achieved demonstrable results, but not yet enough.

大多数手足口病病例没有明确的流行学接触史。The majority of HFMD did not have demonstrable epidemiology history.

在感染几星期之后,从带菌的物体中能证实存在抗体。Demonstrable antibodies are evoked in carriers after a few weeks of infection.

在发布一系列可演示的结果以后,你就可以很好地预测结果了。After posting a sequence of demonstrable results, you can predict the outcome pretty well.

迭代开发过程强调实际的、产生可见的结果的项目过程。The iterative development approach emphasizes real project progress by producing demonstrable results.

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结果是,每一个卢比都产生了更大的价值,减少了腐败现象。The result has been more value for each rupiah spent, and demonstrable reductions in the levels of corruption.

这就说明了“裁判会使用自由裁量权让主队受益,但只有在势均力敌的比赛中”的说法。So it is demonstrable that "referees use their discretionary power to favour home teams, but only in close games".

我们假定这些功能可在末梢神经标准化模型下得以论证。We hypothesized that these functional effects could be demonstrable in standard models of peripheral nerve injury.

一旦发达国家出示能证明其危险性的证据,那么,印度可以考虑走向下一个阶段。Once developed countries have shown demonstrable proof of their seriousness then India can think of going to next stage.

三位作者发现,这些给CEO减薪的公司将高管的表现与其业绩联系起来的必要性并不明显。The authors found that the companies that cut CEO pay didn't have a demonstrable need to align executive performance with results.

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但是奥巴马总统和美国政府都已经清楚的表明,需要在短期内展示取得的进展。But the president has been clear, the Administration has been clear that there's a need for demonstrable progress on a short order.

根据实验观察,可证实的,可展示的条款原则,科学表明你的上帝是不存在的。你有什么可说的呢,孩子?According to the rules of empirical, testable, demonstrable protocol, science says your God doesn't exist. What do you say to that, son?

后者以某人的观点为准,而前者以可证实的实际最终用户的体验改进为准。The latter is based on someone's opinion, while the former is based on the demonstrable improvement in the actual end user's experience.

若发生“明显而迫在眉睫的对以色列的安全威胁”,可以在西岸地区紧急部署军队。In the event of an imminent and demonstrable threat to Israel’s security, there would be provision for emergency deployments in the West Bank.

总之,倡导只是一个过程,一个宣介的过程,促进的过程,展示公众支持的过程和表明对问题的确有深透了解的过程。In general, the process of advocacy is just that -- a process, of education, encouragement, and demonstrable public support as well as true expertise.

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该证券交易所与其定位做长线和有耐心的投资者,这些投资者会被稳定回报和可见的社会影响所吸引。The exchange will hope to target long-term, patient investors who are attracted by a combination of the steady returns and demonstrable social impact.

在看到使用塑料制品和止痛药会给人体带来危害同时也应当看到这些物品的可靠性和功效。Any demonstrable harm caused by the use of plastics and painkillers has to be weighed against the benefits they bring, such as reliability and efficacy.

在这个研究过程中,分类学者们在有机体生物化学成分上研究鉴别可论证的不同点和相似点。In this approach the taxonomist studies the demonstrable differences and similarities in the biochemical compositions of the organisms to be identified.