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是否还是一个回文呢?让我提醒你一下。Let me remind you.

提醒他们呼吸!Remind them to breathe!

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你在提醒我叶普斯?。Did it remind you of Ypres?

欣赏别人的走光还是好意提醒?Enjoy it or remind the person?

这时候胡老师又想起一个笑话。It remind Ms. Hu a joke again.

请提醒我下午给吴博士去个电话。Remind me that I must call Dr.

提醒我把那封信寄了。Remind dme to post that letter.

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李没有让妳想起某人吗?Doesn't Lee remind you of someone?

我想提醒大家的是蓖麻毒素是如何工作的。Let me remind you how ricin works.

让他记着回个电话给我。Please remind him to call me back.

你使我念起我的前任女友。You remind me of my ex-girlfriend.

这张图片让你们想起了什么?What does this image remind you of?

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你再提醒我一下她长什么样。Remind dme what he looks like again.

我想提醒下大家我们的目标。And I want to remind you of our goal.

来提醒我曾经是多么努力。To remind myself how- I tried so hard.

你提醒了我.我又有一个主意了.You remind me.I have another idea now.

请提醒我回那封信。Please remind me to answer that letter.

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随时提醒我内心中的恶犬。Remind me to be aware of the dog in me.

提醒他们至少一年温习一次。Remind them of it at least once a year.

你的爱情创痕让我想起了咱们曾经的甜美。The scars of your love remind me of us.