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托马斯·塞德潘是谁Who was Thomas Sutpen?

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但是托马斯没有提及。But not with Mr Thomas.

我的名字叫托马斯普赖尔。My name 's thomas prior.

这是我哥哥,托马斯。VThis is my brother, Thomas.

你好吗?我的名字是托马斯•普赖尔。Hello?My name's Thomas Prior.

圣汤姆斯医院是一家好的医院吗?Is St. Thomas a good hospital?

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汤姆是托马斯的爱称。Tom is the pet name of Thomas.

托马斯已习惯于旁人的言语中伤。Mr Thomas is used to brickbats.

托马斯和格莱摩根比赛。Thomas played against Glamorgan.

托马斯·爱迪生拥有1093项专利。Thomas Edison held 1,093 patents.

托马斯今晚扮演奥塞罗。Thomas is acting Othello tonight.

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“嗨,海德拉叔叔,”汤姆斯说。"Hi, Uncle Herald, " Thomas said.

他是托马斯·因斯,保罗·因斯的儿子。It's Thomas Ince, Paul Ince's son.

托马摆出生于威尔士的斯旺西。Thomas was born in Swansea, Wales.

温·托马斯是著名的剧作家。Gwyn Thomas was a famous playwright.

他随叔父取名汤马斯。He was named Thomas after his uncle.

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托马斯·帕尔玛是个绘画高手。Thomas Palme is a master of drawing.

现在托马斯正紧盯着皮克森。Now, Thomas is marking Pixon closely.

坎特伯雷大主教柏克特T。Thomas ket, Archbishop of Canterbury.