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有没有晕机药?。Do you have pill for airsickness ?

有没有晕机药?。Do you have pills for airsickness?

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您可能是有点晕机。You seem to have some airsickness.

请给我另一个晕机呕吐袋好吗?May I have another airsickness bag?

能给我拿个晕机袋吗?Would you get me an airsickness bag?

晕机产牛的唯叶。Airsickness produces cow's only leaf.

请给我些晕机药。Give me some airsickness pills, please.

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可以给我一些晕机药吗?My I have some medicine for airsickness?

你可以给我一些晕机药吗?Could you give me some airsickness pills?

你们有没有晕机药?Do you have any medicine for airsickness?

你们有任何晕机药品吗?Do you have any medicine tor airsickness?

我可以要一些晕机药么?May I have some medicine for airsickness?

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请给我一些晕机药好吗?May I have some medicine for airsickness?

有治晕机的药吗?Do you have any medicine for airsickness ?

不好意思,请问有没有晕机药?Excuse me, do you have airsickness medicine?

我觉得不舒服。有治晕机的药吗?I'm not feeling well. Do you have some tablet for airsickness?

我不喜欢坐飞机旅行,因为我容易晕机。I don't like to travel by plane because I get airsickness easily.

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在你前方的座位后面有一个晕机呕吐袋。There's an airsickness bag behind the seat that's in front of you.

那真是一次很糟的飞行航程。我先是头痛得很厉害,之后又晕机。It was a terrible flight. I got a big headache first, and airsickness afterward.

晕车、晕船、晕机及航天运动病都是由于前庭系统的异常活动导致内脏功能的紊乱造成的。Car sickness, nausea, airsickness and space motion sickness are due to the vestibular system abnormality activity leading the disorder of visceral function.