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法律是伊丽莎白戏剧的印章。Law was a staple of Elizabethan drama.

他拥有相当多的伊丽莎白时期的藏书供其钻研。He had a considerable Elizabethan library to delve in.

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伊瘤莎白时期是英胡戏剧的黄今时代。Elizabethan period was the golden age of English drama.

诗人用许多伊丽莎白时代的词语使她的作品有古风。The poet archaized her work with many Elizabethan words.

有擅长近代英语的同学能回答我吗Does anyone know Elizabethan English well enough to tell me?

她穿上伊丽莎白一世时代的服装去参加化装舞会。She dress up in Elizabethan costume for the fancy?dress ball.

伊利莎白时期的英国最流行皱领。The most popular collars during Elizabethan England were ruffs.

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伊丽莎白时代,曾打败了当时一流海军强国西班牙。Elizabethan era, once defeated when first-class naval power Spain.

有14个f区的元素,正好伊丽莎白诗也有14行。There are 14 f-block elements, and an Elizabethan sonnet contains 14 lines.

就像伊丽莎白时代的英国,维多利亚时代的英国见证了经济、国力和文明的全盛。Like Elizabethan England, Victorian England saw great expansion of wealth, power, and culture.

这片校区,有一所乔治时期的住宅,一座伊丽莎白时期的牛奶场,还有一座中世纪庄园的塔楼。Within the grounds are a Georgian mansion, an Elizabethan dairy and the tower of a medieval manor.

由于它最后是在伊丽莎白时代确立的,所以它被称作“伊丽莎白式国教”。It finally established in the Elizabethan era, so it was called the "Elizabeth-style state religion."

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最初的环球剧场是一家伊丽莎白时期的剧院,那里经常首演一些莎士比亚的戏剧。The first Globe Theatre was an Elizabethan theatre where several of Shakespeare's plays were originally staged.

在马娄的诠释下,得知人的主体性从伊莉莎白时代的社会规范中解放开来。In Marlowe's interpretation, human subjectivity is emancipated from the hereditary convention of Elizabethan society.

葛森是发动清教徒攻势打压伊利沙白时代文坛的先头部队之一。Stephen Gosson was one of the trailblazers who launched an all out Puritan attack on the Elizabethan literary circle.

其中英国女王伊丽莎白二世、前美国总统里根、克林顿等品尝后对此菜均赞不绝口。Queen of England--- Elizabethan II, former U. S. President---Reagan, Clinton rained praises on this dish after tasting it.

他做了许多大胆尝试,把英国的韵律诗,从伊丽莎白时代的十四行到拜伦时代的诗歌,介绍给中国诗歌界。He made various bold attempts to introduce English metres into Chinese poetry, from Elizabethan sonnets to Byronic stanzas.

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你认为从受欢迎程度和文学成就两方面来看,维多利亚时代的哪些文学形式可以和伊丽莎白时代的戏剧媲美?What Victorian literary form do you think parallels Elizabethan drama in terms of both popularity and literary achievement?

设有希腊戏剧、莎士比亚和伊丽莎白戏剧,美国戏剧,实验戏剧,现代主义戏剧等课程。Courses include Greek drama, Shakespeare and Elizabethan theater, American theater, experimental theater and modernism, etc.

约翰吉尔古德的1935年版本保持非常接近莎士比亚的文本,并使用伊丽莎白服装和分期加强戏剧。John Gielgud's 1935 version kept very close to Shakespeare's text, and used Elizabethan costumes and staging to enhance the drama.