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或可乐加醋?Cola and vinegar?

我也要一个可乐。A cola for me, too.

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我们买一些可乐吧。Let's buy some cola.

递给了杨大海一罐可口可乐。Hands Yang Dahai a Coca Cola cans.

格林希尔可乐是我最喜欢的饮料。Greenhill Cola is my favorite drink.

百事可乐和其他可乐类饮料。Pepsi-Cola and other cola every day.

可口可乐是铁锈的“天敌”。Coca Cola is an excellent rust buster.

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他一罐接一罐地猛喝可乐。He belted down one cola after another.

我要一个菠萝派和一杯可乐。I"d like a pineapple pie and some cola."

可乐的味道就比水好。Cola tastes better than water, for example.

这男孩一杯接一杯地猛喝可乐。The boy belted down one cola after another.

后遗症,真可乐也不敢喝了。This boy didn't dare to drink the real cola.

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一种他大口大口喝的可乐被称为“风花告吹”。And a cola he quaffed named Fenhuang fizzled.

可乐能清洁铜锈是因为可乐呈弱酸性。Cola cleans brass because it's mildly acidic.

请给我点可乐。——可乐马上就来。I'd love some cola, please. -- Cola coming up.

被水母蛰伤也可以用可口可乐来治疗。Coca Cola can be used to cure Jellyfish stings.

我不喜欢啤酒,请给我来点儿可乐吧。I don't like beer. Give me cola instead, please.

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你是要矿泉水、可乐还是雪碧?Which do you need, table-water, Coca Cola or Sprit?

要喝什么,茶,咖啡,果汁还是可乐?Want something to drink, tea, coffee, juice or Cola?

饮料中的可乐味道来自可乐果。The Cola flavor in the drinks comes from the cola nut.