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他想了想,觉得这个赌法很安全。He thinks it over and decides this would bea safe bet.

如果东亚银行出现在被收购名单上,李嘉诚势必能快速获利。If BEA is on that list, Li Ka-Shing stands to make a quick profit.

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我认为作家是可以教出来的,但不能教出一个杰出的作家。I think you can be taught to write. You can’t be taught to bea good writer.

此部份只供东亚银行信用卡主卡或附属卡持卡人填写。This section is to be completed by BEA principal or supplementary cardholder.

东亚银行将以专函通知阁下领取所申请之个人八达通卡。BEA will inform you of the collection for your Personalised Octopus card by mail.

“人们应该走出去,在雪地里玩玩,”Bea说道,“去打雪仗。"People need to get out and play in the snow, " Bea says. "Get in a snowball fight.

我希望你常去库姆大厦,大家都说,这是个可爱的地方。I hope you will bea great deal at Combe Magna. It is a sweet place, by all accounts.

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快出来吧,别扫大家的兴,怎么说今天也是你的生日聚会啊。Come out of your room and don't bea party-pooper, after all it is your birthday party.

这次修正是基于国税局的数据,而国税局提供给经济分析局的数据有三年的时滞。This revision is based on the IRS data, which the BEA can use only with a three-year lag.

附属卡申请人若非香港大学毕业生,发出之信用卡将为东亚银行信用卡。If the Supplementary Card applicant is not a HKU graduate, a BEA Credit Card will be issued.

本行保留绝对权利拒绝任何结馀转户之申请。BEA reserves the right to decline any application for balance transfer at its sole discretion.

甚至对于一个稍为有点技术的人,解释所有这些技术问题也是一件难事。Even for the technically inclined, it can bea difficult task deciphering all this technobabble.

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比.冈萨雷斯,德州圣.安东尼奥的一名校车司机如是说道。She’s very picky, ’” says Bea Gonzales, a 56-year-old school bus driver from San Antonio, Texas.

他想了想,觉得这个赌法很安全。我把书翻到了火烈鸟。亨利笑了。He thinks it over and decides this would bea safe bet. I open the book to Flamingo. Henry laughs.

我其实真的没有期望他进一筐球,偶尔给我们一点惊喜已经是额外的收获了。Biggest. While I'm not expecting a hatful of goals, a few here and there would certainly bea bonus.

请选择领取所有个人八达通卡之东亚银行分行。Please select the BEA Branch from which you would like to collect all your Personalised Octopus cards.

我们现在期待着你的加入,共同擎起百年东亚的明天!Now, we invite you to join this professional team and expect you to grow and succeed with BEA together!

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实验结果表明甜菊糖是一种无致龋性的甜味剂,可能是一种有希望的蔗糖代用品。The results showed that stevia sugar is a non-cariogenic sweetener, may bea hopeful substitute of sucrose.

人们指责市长乔斯弗.玛丽亚.贝雅发起把性工作者赶出市区的运动,于是有了这样的规定。The mayor Josep Maria Bea has been accused of mounting a campaign to drive the sex workers out of the area.

如果黑奴是包裹在血肉之躯中的灵魂,如果女人也是包裹在血肉之躯中的灵魂,那么他们都只有一个主人。If the Negro be a soul. if the woman bea soul, apparelled in flesh, to one Master only ale they accountable.