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可以参与俱乐部或类似的活动。get involved with clubs and whatnot.

我们已经讨论了同位素等。We talked about isotopes, and whatnot.

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其实无名树的果实不象芒果,而含有致命的毒素!But unlike a mango, the whatnot fruit is a deadly poison!

俊昊总是抱怨宰范占用全部衣柜。Junho used to complain about Jaebeom using the whole closet and whatnot.

在网上有大量的信息,诸如此类,好吧。And there will be plenty of information on the website and whatnot. All right.

大家都很饿了,无名树的果实看起来象熟了的芒果那么美味。They were all hungry, and the whatnot fruits looked like delicious ripe mangoes.

他们都很饿了,无名树的果实看起来象熟了的芒果那么美味。They were all hungry, and the whatnot fruits looked like delicious ripe mangoes.

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享受关掉你的设备、邮件通知和其他东西的时间。Have times when you turn off your devices and your email notifications and whatnot.

在森林里,它们会用树枝从林木里挑出虫子和其他食物。And these crows use sticks in the wild to get insects and whatnot out of pieces of wood.

有时即使是英雄放弃公约和简单地刺中有人死亡或诸如此类的东西。Even the hero sometimes abandons convention and simply stabs somebody to death or whatnot.

你懂的,清理脏东西、身上的虫子或者白头发什么的让他平静下来。You know, picking out dirt and bugs and gray hairs and whatnot in order to help him calm down.

当我下楼,发现楼下没开灯,只有几个紧急出口标志牌之类的亮着,我想我是听见急诊科病房的尽头有什么动静了。When I got down there, there weren’t any lights on other than a few lit exit signs and whatnot.

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但是可以看看人们已经在看低他的能力或者称他为高估的球员。That came from seeing people undersell his abilities and calling him vastly overrated and whatnot.

假如你没有打乱这个系统,但由于内斗及其它不可知的问题会导致一个混乱的局面。And let's say you don't tamper with that system. It just devolves into a chaos because of infighting and whatnot.

早期的开发阶段充满了意外和危险,到处都是漏洞,开发成员直到今年才了解到了相关的3D显示技术和原理。It would be too risky at that stage, in view of leaks and whatnot. The staff only learned about the 3-D display this year.

我不知道有没有人告诉过你,不过大多数人并不相信有什么妖魔鬼怪存在。Bob, I don’t know if anyone’s told you this, but most people don’t believe that monsters and fiends and whatnot even exist.

但是没关系,因为您肚子里能分泌一种叫龙涎香的蜡状油脂物,能够保护您的内脏不被内壳诸如此类尖锐的东西所伤。But it's OK, because your belly produces something called ambergris, a waxy oil that protects your insides from sharp beaks and whatnot.

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在过去,当商队来到这棵无名树下,那些吃了这毒果的人都会在晚上的睡梦中死去。In the past, when caravans had come to the whatnot tree, the people had eaten its poisonous fruits and died in their sleep during the night.

我不想说什么几率,我永远都是乐观的,这事情也不会一直拖下去,也许它不会立刻在明天成功,没准需要一或两年。I’m not going to put odds on it. I’m always optimistic, and it’s not always, perhaps it won’t succeed immediately tomorrow or whatnot but maybe in a year or two

我认为许多时候公司在他们做决定的时候都变得短视了,可能是被下一次的特定收入什么的而激励。I do think that often companies end up being short-sighted in respect to their decisions and perhaps they’re motivated by their next particular earnings and whatnot.