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可以更加有效地传授知识吗?Impart knowledge more effectively?

我会传递给你们对古典音乐的热爱I will impart to you a love of classical music.

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汤米.汤普森恳求警察发点儿慈悲。Tommy Thompson implored the cop to impart mercy.

首先,我想传授你们我的一项拿手绝活。And first,I'd like to impart my forte skill to you!

我赐给各位宗座的遐福。To all of you I cordially impart my Apostolic Blessing.

这种球拍能使运动员打出转得更急的旋转球。This racket enables the player to impart more spin to the ball.

现在,作为父母,我试着将同样的睿智传授给我的两个女儿。Now, as a parent, I try to impart that same wisdom to my own two girls.

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多达布里开始传授室利罗摩克里希纳吠檀多伟大的真理。Totapuri began to impart to Sri Ramakrishna the great truths of Vedanta.

痕量的杂质会使气体带有一种霉味或刺激性气味。Trace quantities of impurities can impart a musty or pungent odor to the gas.

大学不仅是传授知识的场所,而且是造就人才的地方。University is not only to impart knowledge of the place, but is opting to place.

由小学到中学,所修习的无非是一些普通的基本知识。Primary and secondary school will impart to you only some rudiments of knowledge.

一种化学品,少量增加到切削液中以影响切削液的某些特性。A chemical added in small quantities to cutting fluids to impart certain properties.

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好,好,我的两位好徒弟!首先,我想传授你们我的一项拿手绝活。OK, OK, my two clever apprentices. And first, I'd like to impart my forte skill to you!

实践证明,经此工艺处理漂布及色布的质量指标较好。Practical applications show that this process can impart polyester canvas good quality.

宗教界人士认为,“精”是将构成身体的物质,组合起来,并赋之以活力的部份。Religionists think that it is the part that composes body material and impart vitality.

自觉的灵魂,因掌握了真理,故能授你以知识。The self-realized souls can impart knowledge unto you because they have seen the truth.

膛线也就是为了使子弹旋转而在枪管内制造的浅螺旋凹槽。having shallow spiral grooves cut inside the barrel to impart a spin to the projectile.

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但这有个先决条件——就是每天要花时间安静在上帝面前,让祂有机会向你施恩。But on one condition—the soul must give Him time each day to impart His love and His grace.

他似乎被这次能向孙子灌输智慧的罕见机会振醒了。He seemed perked up by this all-too-rare chance to impart some more wisdom to a grandchild.

细胞骨架的中间丝提供了细胞质伸缩动力。Cytoskeletal intermediate filaments appear to impart tensile strength to the cell cytoplasm.