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视频数据询问器?。VDI? Video Data Interrogator?

审讯员麦克·戈德曼·吉拉德就在现场。Interrogator Michael Goldman Gilad, was there.

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我曾是一位古巴关塔那摩湾拘留所的审讯官。I was an interrogator at the detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

一审讯官紧紧掐住一囚犯的脖子以致他几次昏厥过去。An interrogator clutched one detainee's neck so that he repeatedly passed out.

一审讯官紧紧掐住一囚犯的脖子以致他几次昏厥过去。An interrogator clutched one detainee’s neck so that he repeatedly passed out.

电子标签能够通过负载调制向阅读器反馈信息。The transponder sends data back to the interrogator by load modulation technology.

他还声称,在此过程中,一名美国讯问者提出问题,让其他人来问。He also claims an American interrogator submitted questions for others to ask during this process.

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一天卡尔在关押他的法庭的院子里看见了哪个审问员。One day, Karl Heinz saw his interrogator again in the courtyard of the building where he was being held.

这些物品包括审问者机器人、暗眼探测机器人、一辆飞行摩托等有着邪恶用途的设备。The inventory includes interrogator droids, dark eye probe droids, a speeder bike, and other devices of evil intent.

RFID技术本身发展也相当迅速,现阶段RFID标签已基本实现便携化,但同时阅读器的便携化进程还处在起步阶段。RFID technology develops quite fast, portable RFID tags have been implemented now. But portable interrogator is still in its beginning period.

三年前,人们发现涉嫌的阿根廷酷刑中心主审讯官在弗吉尼亚州平原城经营着一家高档古玩店。Three years ago, the alleged chief interrogator at a torture center in Argentina was found running a genteel antiques shop in The Plains, Virginia.

很显然,那名办事员是位职业女性,自信、有能力,并有着一个类似“官方讯问员”或“镇登记员”之类很堂皇的头衔。The Clerk was obviously a career woman, poised, efficient, and possessed of a high sounding title like, "Official Interrogator" or "Town Registrar."

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此外,长期压力还会造成虚假记忆的形成,这些记忆是基于审问者提供的信息和设想的事实。In addition, prolonged stress could also lead to the creation of false memories based on information and supposed facts presented by the interrogator.

劳根瑞尼斯是2001年至2005年驻伊美军专家级的审讯官,他常常被自己曾虐待过的伊拉克人的形象所困扰,这些人大部分是无辜的。Lagouranis, who was an army interrogator from 2001 to 2005 with the rank of specialist, is haunted by images of Iraqis, largely innocents, he had abused.

最后,结合实际的电路设计参数,通过hspise仿真,验证采用此方法建立的非接触卡的等效模型是正确的。As a result, the equivalent model of contactless smart card and the interrogator was accomplished, which was verified by the simulation of Hspice software.

本论文给出了一套建立非接触卡模型的方法,可供非接触卡的设计及非接触卡读写器的设计作为参考。The article proposed a series of methods modeling the contactless smart card, which can help the design of the contactless smart card and the interrogator.

然后,独立检察官办公室的主要询问员提出了一长串问题,都是关于赖特法官确定的“性关系”一词的定义。The principal OIC interrogator then took me through a long list of questions dealing with the definition of sexual relations that Judge Wright had imposed.

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假设标签在读取的范围内均匀分布,利用分阶读取的技术将更进一步避免标签冲突并且使系统能量消耗减到最小。Assuming tags in the interrogator access range are uniformly distributed, a multi-stage interrogation scheme is utilized to further avoid tag collisions and minimize the system power consumption.