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他的表妹克西迪亚雅凯塔也被限制为马里。His cousin Sidi Yaya Keita has also been capped for Mali.

当然鞋的舒适性和可选择性是不够的,SIDI更是制鞋技术的领先者。And as if fit was not enough, SIDI is a technology leader.

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溪底卵石上爬着无数的杉木鱼。Sidi countless pebbles on the crawling on all fours lanceolata fish.

他们成为了第一批抗议者,制造了西迪布济德省的暴乱事件。These were the first protestors, who rioted in the streets of Sidi Bouzid.

1959年,欧德特.塔维和艾利.摩惹诺在西迪毕舍尔海滩的小屋前。Odette Tawil and Elie Moreno in front of the cabanas on Sidi Bishr beach, 1959.

乌尔德·西迪·海巴指定了一个在全国各地修建古代文稿文献馆的宏伟计划。Ould Sidi Haiba sets forth an ambitious plan to build manuscript conservation labs throughout the country.

电影根据出生在索马里的黑人模特华莉丝·迪里的自传畅销书改编。Film was born in Somalia, according to Hua Li Sidi black models in adaptation of best-selling autobiography.

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艾丝蒂的叔叔是一位药剂师,平日喜欢在实验室里调制各种化学制剂。Ai Sidi 's uncle is an apothecary, ferial like to be in the lab modulation all sorts of chemical preparation.

选用西迪管,保证五十年,以“安全保质量、以质量争市场”这是该公司一贯的承诺。Selection of Sidi , 50 years guaranteed, "security-quality, to dispute the quality of the market" This is the company's commitment.

体育经理普拉德、技术主管孔蒂、组织总监坦佩斯蒂利都到现场观摩了球队的训练。Prader sports manager, technical director of Conti, director of the organization are Sidi Li Tempe to the scene to watch the team training.

您可以在古雅的村西迪布塞午餐,欣赏白色的墙面,明亮的蓝色门和美好的地中海海景。You might have lunch in the quaint Mediterranean village of Sidi Bou Said with is white washed walls, bright blue doors and wonderful Mediterranean sea views.

此外,当他18岁,他说,他对本阿里的第一首歌曲,被称为“西迪拉伊斯”或“总统先生,”厄尔尼诺将军说,这是“向总统呼吁反腐败斗争。" Also when he was 18 he wrote his first song about Ben Ali, called "Sidi Rais" or "Mr. President, " which El Général says was "a call to the president to fight corruption.

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1982年,卡萨芒斯迪乌拉族提出独立并进行武装反叛,这场持续近30年的内战造成数千人丧生,上万人无家可归。In 1982, Casa Ural Mountain Sidi an independent nation and the armed rebellion, this lasted for almost 30 years of civil war caused thousands of deaths, thousands of people homeless.