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公司更像是一个收税员。It is more like a tax collector.

我丈夫是个集邮者。My husband is a stamp collector.

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沼泽地中的收芦苇者。A reed collector in the marshlands.

垃圾工是收集垃圾的人。A garbageman is a garbage collector.

赫柏是古董车的收藏家。Herb is a collector of vintage cars.

油酸钠是最佳捕收剂。The best collector is sodium oleate.

在这里彼得与一个税吏相遇。There Peter was met by a tax collector.

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她告诉我她是一个梦想收藏家。And she told me she was a dream collector.

她是个收费员,她喜欢她的工作。She was a toll collector. She liked the job.

这块黑色金属板被称为集热器。This black metal plate is called a collector.

他通过一个收集家得到了这个珍本。He obtained the rare book through a collector.

第一,G1是一款压缩型的收集器。The first is that G1 is a compacting collector.

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此种型式的储存箱置于收集器上方。This type of storage box above in the collector.

像收费的一样抱歉,我不能接!Callin' like a collector -sorry, I cannot answer!

这个人是个物理学家,还是个捡破烂的?Is the person a physicist or a garbage collector?

数据和时钟线都是集电极开路的。The Data and Clock lines are both open collector.

收账人一直在催逼她缴租金。The debt collector kept dunning her for the rent.

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将垃圾收集器处理双链接列表?Will garbage collector handle doubly-linked list?

古董交易和汽车收藏令他乐此不疲。Trading antique and collector cars keeps him busy.

最后是一位57岁的收破烂的出手相救。A 57-year-old rag collector finally went to her aid.