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他热爱这类冒险。He sought adventure.

箱子被彻底搜查了一遍。The case was sought through.

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别掩饰自己的缺点。He sought to extenuate his fault.

他们寻找躲雨的地方。They sought shelter from the rain.

他企图剥夺我们一角钱。He had sought to deprive us of dime.

他试图囚禁追随者。He sought to imprison the followers.

许多人竭力想结识他。Many people sought his acquaintance.

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谁也不曾合上他充血的眼睛None closed his bloodshot eyes but sought

下了飞机,我们立刻寻找收容所。On landing, we immediately sought asylum.

他们企图在那里建立永恒的乐园。They sought to set perpetual Zions there.

你们身材里的邪恶将被我们寻出!It is your evil that will be sought by us!

她想方设法要了解他内心深处的想法。She sought to discern his inmost thoughts.

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旅行者在找地方躲雨。The travelers sought shelter from the rain.

我用同样的激情去寻求知识。With equal passion I have sought knowledge.

他们到山村里寻找避难所。They sought refuge in the mountain villages.

脑虫,我已经得到想要的资料了。Cerebrate, I've located the records I sought.

又用纤纤的手指敲着我,向我要爱情!Her slender finger tapped me, sought my love.

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他希望能完成任期,但是没有再被提名。Sought a full term, but was not re-nominated.

他的兄弟在寻觅非洲和一碟芦荟。His brother sought Africa and a dish of aloes.

他的兄弟则在找寻非洲和一碟沉香。His brother sought Africa and a dish of aloes.