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但是乐观者呢?But the optimist?

不过我是个乐观主义者。But I am an optimist.

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迪顿是一名乐观主义者。Deaton is an optimist.

社交乐观主义者或悲观主义者?Social optimist or pessimist?

首先,你需要时一个乐观者。First, you need to be an optimist.

作一个数据完整性的乐天派Being an optimist about data integrity

你是哪一种?乐观主义者还是现实主义者?Which are you – an optimist or a realist?

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但是,吉尔丁坚持说他是乐观主义者。Yet Mr. Gilding insists he is an optimist.

戈尔丁说他实际上是个乐观主义者,我也一样。Gilding says he’s actually an optimist. So am I.

没有人会指责拉尔是个快活的乐观主义者。No one can accuse Ted Rall of being a sunny optimist.

也许科比变成了有些疯狂的乐观主义者。So maybe Bryant has turned into a cock-eyed optimist.

他对于中美关系总体上是一个乐天派。He’s an optimist about U.S.-China relations in general.

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知道乐观派和悲观派之间有什么不同吗?。Know the difference between a pessimist and an optimist?

乐观主义说一切都很美好,直到真相大白的那天。The optimist says it was beautiful, until the very last day.

我之所以喜欢每个点子,是由于我是个乐观主义者。The simple reason I like every idea is that I'm an optimist.

这种人往往是一个敢于冒险的人,一个乐观主义者,和一个宿命论者。This person is often a risk taker an optimist and a fatalist.

有一个关于一个乐观者和一个悲观者的著名而古老的故事。There is a famous old story about an optimist and a pessimist.

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一个乐观的人,就是那种即使被狮子逼上了树梢,他也同样能够欣赏漂亮的风景。Optimist a man who gets treed by a lion but enjoys the scenery.

但我是一个乐观主义者,我还可以清楚地想像那个世界的样子。But I am an optimist and I can still clearly imagine that world.

尽管讽刺和唠叨,韩先生是一个乐观的心。Despite the sarcasm and griping, Mr. Han is an optimist at heart.