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Emerson是那里的一位数据分析调研员。Emerson is a research data analyst there.

第七段加有分析师观点Adds analyst comment in seventh paragraph.

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康斯坦斯的丈夫是一名财政分析家。Constance's husband is a financial analyst.

那时候,我只是一个低收入的化验员。At that time, I was just a lowly paid analyst.

在投资银行做分析师是一份苦差事。Being an investment bank analyst is a tough job.

高级数据分析师克罗伊查过。查到了。The senior analyst Chloe tried. And we got a match.

其中的一个人是独立数据分析员艾德里安。One of those is freelance data analyst Adrian Short.

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j的分析师彼得认为范在利比亚的关注讽刺。Analyst J. Peter Pham sees irony in Libya's concerns.

凯特内文斯是在伦敦的中东的分析师。Kate Nevens is a Middle East analyst at London-based.

但是三加五等于八。"分析家不服气。"But, three and five is eight, " the analyst protested.

或者系统分析师与测试分析师对比,等等。Or system analyst compared with test analyst, and so on.

巴勒斯坦分析人士哈迪则没有这么乐观。Palestinian analyst Mahdi Abdel Hadi is less optimistic.

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埃尔哈辛托是棉兰老岛出版社和政治分析专家。Al Jacinto is a Mindanao publisher and political analyst.

一位股票证券分析家和一位华尔街经纪人一起去看赛马。A stock analyst and a Wall Street broker went to the races.

那时我在乡下医院当化验员。At that time, I serviced as an analyst in a rural hospitals.

飞机坠毁是由一个RCMP碰撞调查分析师。The crash is being investigated by an RCMP collision analyst.

分析人士罗滕伯格出现在美国之音面对新闻界节目。Analyst Stuart Rothenberg appeared on VOA's Encounter program.

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史丹格尔做华尔街分析师的话可能只能坚持三天。Stengel would have lasted three days as a Wall Street analyst.

分析人员需要在这些标准中插入一些值。The analyst is required to interpolate values between standards.

宏源证券分析师唐永刚建议,或许可以买进。Buy, maybe, suggested Hong Yuan Securities analyst Tang Yonggang.