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一些将是非盈利性的。Some will be nonprofit.

自由与时尚是一个非营利机构,Freedom and Fashion is a nonprofit organization

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合并,组成一家非营利研究基金会。Reincorporate as a nonprofit research foundation.

但实际上,它是NPR在纽约的非盈利组织。but it's actually, it's its own New York nonprofit.

也许一次公益能用上你的技术。Perhaps a nonprofit could use your technical skills.

该工程院是一所私立的,独立的,非盈利性机构。The NAE is a private, independent, nonprofit institution.

O的Skateistan项目是一个非盈利的组织,现在还在等待一个新的大的设备让这个计划更好的运行。His 'Skateistan' nonprofit club awaits a big new facility.

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受赠单位主要是私人或非营利组织。The recipient entities would be mainly private or nonprofit.

非营利管理与领导,第18卷,第2辑,2007冬季。Nonprofit Management & Leadership, Volume 18, No. 2, Winter 2007

阿伦将共同领导一个非营利性组织的要求不断成长的动力。Will Allen co-directs a nonprofit organization called Growing Power.

但是非盈利的公共电台和一些WFUV,But the nonprofit public radio stations and some of them called WFUV,

选择一个能够互相支持的非盈利性机构合作是非常重要的。It's vital to select a nonprofit partner that provides mutual support.

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每年举行的时候,我们都邀请一些非赢利组织,Every year that it's held, we invite a bunch of nonprofit organizations

凯特琳·威格拉斯是纽约一所名为“非凡移动”的非盈利组织的一员。Katrin Verclas is with a nonprofit group in New York called MobileActive.

我的第二个实习是在一个非盈利组织,名叫全球交流组织。And then my second internship is with a nonprofit called Global Exchange.

开放图书联盟同样将包括各种各样的非盈利组织。The Open Book Alliance also will include an assortment of nonprofit groups.

有的学生会在非盈利组织或者慈善组织实习。or they'll get a job with, like a, you know, nonprofit company or a charity.

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新闻媒介应当开展献血的社会公益性宣传。News media shall conduct nonprofit publicity about blood donation in society.

现在许多非盈利组织终年靠政府喂养。Now, many nonprofit organizations feed year-round from the government trough.

该委员会是由建筑行业的领导者们成立的一个非营利组织。The council is a nonprofit organization made up of building industry leaders.