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瓦尔特问。Walter asked.

我叫沃尔特-略文。I'm Walter Lewin.

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沃尔特•毫克是谁?Who is Walter Houk?

为了华尔德和我的宝贝。To Walter and my baby.

华尔德把一个盒子递给安妮。Walter gives a box to Annie.

我向华特要几块钱。I asked Walter for a few Bucks.

我的问题是,沃尔特在干嘛呢?My question is, where is Walter?

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她叫玛丽泰雷兹·沃尔特。Her name was Marie Therese Walter.

沃尔特斜睨着眼找椅子,但是没找到。Walter squints vainly for a chair.

安妮和华尔德在一家餐厅。Annie and Walter are at a restaurant.

不过沃尔特不一样,我想我可以和他聊聊。But Walter I thought I could talk to.

天哪,沃尔特·盖茨居然还那么能跳舞!God, that Walter Getz can still dance!

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沃尔特摆了摆手还是摆了摆腿?Did Walter wave his hand or wave his leg?

老沃特闻言七窍生烟,立马甩了他儿子一个耳光。Sir Walter promptly boxed his son's ears.

华尔特将因他的失职而受到处罚。Walter will be paid off for his negligence.

在这里,他密切合作瓦尔特城堡。Here, he worked closely with Walter Schloss.

第一个案例是华特·史洛斯。The first example is that of Walter Schloss.

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拜托,贝基,我正与华特狂恋中。Please. Becky, I'm madly in love with Walter.

沃尔特是这个哈里·戈登的薄记员。Walter was a bookkeeper for this Harry Gordon.

与徐灏博士夫妇同游十七哩路。Go to 17-Mile Drive with Dr. & Mrs. Walter Hsu.