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万隆会议给我们留下了极为宝贵的历史遗产。The Bandung Conference left us a most valuable legacy.

万隆精神是不朽的,值得我们倍加珍惜,发扬光大!We must hold dear and carry forward the ever-lasting Bandung spirit.

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而在印尼的第一个项目是建造雅加达到万隆的高铁。The first in Indonesia is the highspeed rail from Jakarta to Bandung.

来到印尼,不能不谈万隆精神。Being in Indonesia, I would be remiss if I did not mention the Bandung spirit.

以前游客很多的时候,我每两周就回一次在万隆附近村庄的家。When there are a lot of tourists, I can go home to my village near Bandung once every two weeks.

我为了了解这段历史,曾经专程到万隆去看了看。In order to know more about that important historical event, I once paid a special trip to Bandung.

二十世纪,我以为最为重大而值得纪念的事件就是万隆会议。I believe the most important and memorable episode in our exchanges in the 20th century is the Bandung Conference.

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我们愿同阿方一道,继续为弘扬万隆精神、促进南南合作做出贡献。We stand ready to work with the Arab side to carry forward the Bandung Spirit and promote South-South cooperation.

1955年4月18日,万隆会议在印度尼西亚的万隆召开,共有29个非洲和亚洲国家参加。Bandung Conference, with representatives of 29 African and Asian nations, kicked off in Bandung, Indonesia, on April 18th.

会议倡导的万隆精神和通过的“亚非会议十项原则”是十分重要的,至今仍闪耀着真理的光辉。The Bandung Spirits advocated, and the Ten Principles of the Bandung Conference adopted by the conference are of vital importance.

万隆会议后,中国和亚洲国家的关系进一步发展,与非洲和阿拉伯国家的关系有所突破。Soon after the Bandung Conference, China made a breakthrough by establishing diplomatic relations with Asian and African countries.

印度尼西亚中南部爪哇北海岸的一座城市,位于万隆东北偏东。为爪哇海海港。人口223,77。A city of south-central Indonesia on the northern coast of Java east-northeast of Bandung. It is a port on the Java Sea. Population, 223,77'.

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亚洲与非洲各国领袖周日访问万隆,纪念第三世界在1955年时第一次对世界发声。Asian and African leaders are visiting Bandung on Sunday to mark the 1955 conference where the Third World asserted itself for the first time.

在印度尼西亚期间,胡锦涛还将出席亚非峰会和万隆会议50周年纪念活动。During his stay in Indonesia, Hu Jintao will attend the Asia-Africa Summit and the commemoration event of the 50th anniversary of Bandung Conference.

出席大会将给您发现这个城市美景和文化的机会,并感受万隆热情好客的人们。Attending this conference will also give you an opportunity to discover the beauty and the culture of the city, as well as the warm hospitality of the people of Bandung.

新形势下,亚非各国应继续发扬万隆精神,共同推动世界和平发展与公平正义。Under the new conditions, we Asian and African countries should carry forward the Bandung Spirit and work together to advance world peace, development, equality and justice.

我们愿同印尼一道,在新的目标指引下,共同弘扬万隆精神,共同开创两国关系更加美好的未来。We are willing to work together with Indonesia to carry forward the Bandung spirit and create a more beautiful future for bilateral relationship under the guidance of new goals.

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60年前万隆会议确立了处理国家间关系的十项原则,给我们留下了“团结、友谊、合作”的宝贵精神财富。Six decades ago, the Bandung Conference established ten principles governing state-to-state relations, leaving us the invaluable legacy of solidarity, friendship and cooperation.

我在来访途中的飞机上,不禁想起16年前访问贵国期间,我曾专程到万隆会议旧址瞻仰的往事。On my flight to Jakarta, I could not help but recall that during my visit to Indonesia 16 years ago, I made a special trip to the venues of the Bandung Conference to pay my respects.

东南亚联盟,中国-东盟自由贸易区,是和平共处五项原则和万隆精神的继承和发展。Association of Southeast Asian Nations, and China-ASEan Free Trade Area are the inheritance and development of the five principles of peaceful coexistence and the spirit of Bandung Conference.