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我们需要制作道具,and we need to create props.

道具和临时演员在哪儿?Show me the props and extras.

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搬运地毯和各种道具。V. to haul around rugs and props.

我担心道具和服装的事。I worried about props and costumes.

道具和玩具可以使性爱更加刺激。Props and toys make sex more exciting.

拍打切换键,就能争换道具。Beat the shift key, you can fight for props.

今晚,我要为我们的演出制作道具,Tonight, I'll be creating props for our show

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看看白板上的教具可是我精心制作的优!Look at the props I paste onto the whiteboard.

用了一些支柱以防止屋顶塌落。Props were used to prevent the roof collapsing.

灯光、小道具和性感的能量充斥在空气中。Lighting, props and sensual energy fill the air.

大型储物间规划工程案。Large Storage Room For Scenery and Props Project.

列出你的角色的技能,知识和小道具。List your character's skills, knowledge and props.

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也顶一下大叔漂亮的10个篮板。Props also to a nice 10 rebound game from Dikembe.

杰克支撑起死去的科菲尔的尸体,使之坐直在后座中。Jack props up the deceased Cofell in the back seat.

儡戏用的木偶道具大部分都是手工制作的。Most of the props used in puppet shows are handmade.

阿扬格瑜伽,一种用辅助工具帮助调节身体的瑜伽流派。Iyengar yoga, which uses props to help align your body

所以,我们的道具都要用扑克牌做,so all our props are going to be made out of playing cards

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正是他们支撑起了整个大学的精神。It is they who props up the spirit of the whole university.

现在,在我制作圣杯的过程中,我抽去了大地的支柱。Now, in my makeing of the Grail, I had torn away the props.

穿着当年华服的女人们,带着当年的那些小道具,看起来只是傻乎乎的。Women in the costumes with the period props are just silly.