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她沿街疾驶。She barreled down the street.

他沿公路高速行驶。He barreled along the highway.

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他沿高速公路高速行驶。He barreled along the expressway.

塑料桶装食用油有毒?。Plastic Barreled Cooking Oil May Cause Poisoned?

QGF型自动桶装饮用水冲洗、灌装、封口机组。QGF barreled drinking water auto washing, filling and sealing unit.

本文研究了合格桶装纯净水在使用过程中亚硝酸盐的污染。The nitrite pollution of barreled purified water during consumption was researched.

零售业和建筑业四月份仍有快速发展,不过并不像三月份那样迅速。Retail sales and construction barreled ahead in April, but not quite as quickly as the month before.

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比尔拿出双管猎枪,放了两枪就把酒吧里面从上到下的阴霾清除干净。The double barreled shotgun that Bill pulled out discharged the second it cleared the top of the bar.

阿拉巴马州东中部地区同时遭到三个龙卷风的袭击,一所教堂被完全摧毁,另一所部分受损。Meanwhile, three tornadoes barreled through east central Alabama, destroying one church and damaging another.

钟福水店是钟村区域专业的桶装水配送门店,我店产品丰富,厂家进货,工商注册,服务优良。Zhongfu water store is a specialized water store in Zhongcun area, which provides customers with barreled water.

陆盾2000是海军730型近程防御系统的陆基版本,它综合了一门7管30毫米加特林炮和6枚天燕90型地对空导弹。The land-based version of the naval CIWS Type-730 the LD-2000 combines a seven barreled 30mm Gatling gun with 6 TY-90 SAMs.

天竺鼠在关了六个小时后被放出来,像圆桶滚动般挤出栅门,进入公共空间。The guinea pigs, released from confinement at the end of the sixth hour, barreled through the gate and into the common area.

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本设备由冲洗、滴干、灌装和压盖一体主机组成,适用于3-5加仑桶装用水的灌装生产。The one unit main machine includes the washer, dryer, filler and capper for the production of 3-5 gallon barreled drinking water.

商量一番后,潘某又在家中埋头苦干两个月为张某制造了一支单管猎枪。After some discussion, Panmou immerse ourselves in hard work and at home for two months, Zhang created a single- barreled shotgun.

具有功能齐全、设计新颖、自动化程度高等特点,是集机、电、气于一体的新型饮用水桶装设备。It is a new kind of barreled water auto-producing line, which integrates mechanism, electricity and pneumatics technologies together.

瞬时间,亚伦失去了控制,以飞快的速度穿过了中线驶入迎面而来的车流中,以大约55英里的时速迎头撞向了另一辆SUV。Instantly, Aaron lost control and barreled across the median into oncoming traffic, hitting another SUV head-on at about 55 miles per hour.

在没时间瞄准的情况下,双管爆能枪增大了命中率。这种枪是最致命的武器之一。In situations where there's little time to aim, double- barreled blasts increase the chances of a hit. One of the most lethal weapons around.

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本品还特别适用于桶装水厂、饮料厂的大桶小瓶喷淋消毒,一是呛味小、二是药效长。It's also very suitable for spraying in barreled drinking water plant and beverage plant because it's less smelly and the effect lasts longer.

城市租车桶装到水星美洲狮前粉碎成五十铃罗迪欧随后击中,翻转起亚的SUV坐在它旁边。The Town Car barreled into a Mercury Cougar before smashing into an Isuzu Rodeo which subsequently hit and flipped the Kia SUV sitting next to it.

首先给出F桶空间的概念,然后讨论F桶空间上F等度连续的等价条件。The definition of Fuzzy barreled space is firstly given, then the equivalent condition of Fuzzy equicontinuity on Fuzzy barreled space is discussed.