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由是伊甸园陷入忧伤悲切。So Eden sank to grief.

把凄凉的湖交成伊甸乐园。An Eden of that dim lake.

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我走过去抱起伊登。I went over to hold Eden.

他自己并没有变,他还是那个马丁·伊登,那么,这变化是怎么来的?He was the same Martin Eden.

她在哪里,哪里就是伊甸园!Wheresoever she was, there was Eden.

无论何处,她所在的地方就是伊甸园。Wheresoever she was, there was Eden.

她最新出版的书叫"伊甸园来信"。Her latest book is Letters from Eden.

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最近的一个例子是东没有伊甸园。A recent example would Higashi no Eden.

给她伊甸园里绽放的那从不花褪残红的玫瑰。For her th' unfading rose of Eden blooms.

有一天撒旦来到伊甸园。One day Satan came to the Garden of Eden.

人们似乎感觉置身于高海拔的伊甸园中。It feels like a high-altitude Garden of Eden.

最后,伊甸湖看上去真的很美。At the very least, Eden Lake looks really good.

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你能想象伊登是一次示威游行的领导人吗?。Can you picture Eden captaining a demonstration?

伊甸园的大门会永远对我关闭吗?Should the gates of Eden be closed to me forever?

这张照片是在大开曼岛的伊登岩下拍摄的。The picture was taken at Eden Rock, Grand Cayman.

伊甸园在一段时间内只允许一定人数的游客进园。Eden can only let in so many visitors at one time.

在伊甸园?亚当和夏娃跟神沟通。Adam and Eve conversed with God in the Garden of Eden.

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近一个精良的生活与手动泵,就像伊甸园正在筹商。Living near a well with anyoneuis pump is like in Eden.

马丁·伊登一辈子都受着好奇心驱使,寻求着知识。Martin Eden had been mastered by curiosity all his days.

艾登•埃斯皮诺萨出生于南加州。Eden Espinosa was born and raised in Southern California.