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配偶权在我国是一项有争议的权利。Connubial right is a contentious right in China.

她的不在已经给爱德华幸福的婚姻带来危险。Her absence had brought about danger to Edward's connubial happiness.

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同一刻,他们醒悟到幸福的破裂,配偶的背叛。Meanwhile, they awake to the break of happiness, the betrayal of connubial.

这种荒凉的感觉压倒了他的一切惧内心理――他大声喊他的老婆和孩子。The desolateness overcame all his connubial fears-he called loudly for his wife and children.

但是在洛杉矶,农业和药学的联姻关系正在艰难前行。But in Los Angeles, the connubial relationship of farm and pharmacy in restaurants is on the march.

可惜这件幸福的婚姻已经不可能实现,天下千千万万想要缔结真正幸福婚姻的情人,从此也错过了一个借鉴的榜样。But no such happy marriage could now teach the admiring multitude what connubial felicity really was.

维多利亚女王在20岁时结婚,与很多年轻的新娘一样,她的婚姻生活并不十全十美。Victoria married at 20, and as with so many young brides, the connubial life she got was not the one she’d hoped for.

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目前,学界对婚内侵权的概念界定差别持不同的观点,尤其是对婚内侵权客体的界定存在争议。Academically hold different opinions on defining the concept of connubial tort, especially dispute on defining its object.

完善配偶权,主要应充实配偶权的具体内容,并设计相应的救济方法。To perfect connubial rights, we should enrich the concrete contents of these rights, and design corresponding remedy methods.

夫妻忠实协议是否具有法律效力,在“忠诚协议”赔偿第一案披露后引起了广泛讨论。After the first"loyalty agreement"compensation case, whether the connubial loyalty agreement has the legal effect evokes extensive discussions.

本文尝试从确定配偶权的概念,正反两面关于配偶权确立的不同观点展开分析论述。The writer attempts to confirm the concept of connubial rights, and analyzes different viewpoints standing for establishment of connubial rights or reject it.

法国贵族托克维尔曾说,美国人最为尊重婚姻联系,夫妻美满生活的概念在美国也是达到了“最顶级最真实的境界。”AMERICA is the country, said Alexis de Tocqueville, where the bonds of marriage are most respected and the concept of connubial bliss “has its highest and truest expression.

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法国历史学家、社会学家阿历克西。德。托克维尔说美国是一个最重视婚姻,最能够诠释也最能真实体现婚姻幸福的国家。AMERICA is the country, said Alexis de Tocqueville, where the bonds of marriage are most respected and the concept of connubial bliss "has its highest and truest expression."

社会——家庭、部族、等级制度、教堂、村庄、遗嘱认证法庭——建立并强制执行假定对每个人都有好处的婚姻协议,也许除了对情侣们自己。Society—family, tribe, caste, church, village, probate court—established and enforced its connubial protocols for the presumed good of everyone, except maybe for the couples themselves.