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他死于雪崩。He was killed by the snowslide.

雪崩阻碍了该地区的交通。A snowslide has blocked off traffic in this area.

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营地在周围时不时的雪崩声中陷入了沉寂。The encampment got into quiet in the sounds of snowslide sporadically.

除非有雪崩,但雪崩也不能保证永恒。Love may last forever except in a snowslide , but even snowslide cannot ensure Eternity.

昨天一场雪崩压住了2辆汽车,困住了8个人。随后他们都被救了出来。Yesterday a snowslide knocked 2 cars off the road trapping 8 people who were later rescued.

除非有雪崩,但雪崩也不能保证永恒。A snowslide may make an everlasting love story, but even the snowslide cannot ensure Eternity.

新疆伊犁哈萨克自治州新源县境内26日发生雪崩,导致5人死亡,9人受困。Five people died and 9 were trapped in a snowslide Tuesday in Xinyuan County, Ili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture of Xinjiang.

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证明了在支持VC合并的网络中路由环会导致流量的雪崩效应,因此在这种情形下需要尽快地检测出路由环。The routing loop will cause snowslide effect in VC merging capable network, so it must be detected as soon as possible in the case.

地震形成的雪崩、滚石,压死了大牲畜数百头,并造成度区的部分房屋裂缝。The snowslide and rolling stones that the earthquake led made hundreds of livestocks die, and part of houses were cracked in the VI area.

新疆精伊霍铁路所经过的天山支脉科古琴山南坡的地质、地理条件复杂,是新疆雪害发生严重的地区之一,雪崩和风吹雪灾害都很发育。The conditions of geology and geography are complex, snowslide and drifting snow occur frequently, so this place becomes one of the most serious snow disaster area in Xinjiang.

沙丘发育和前移、泥石流、雪崩、地震等诸多自然现象和自然灾害都与颗粒物质的崩塌有着紧密的联系。Many natural phenomena and natural disasters have close relation with granular materials avalanche, i. e. sand dune development and movement, debris flow, snowslide and earthquake.

库尔特-弗里茨,阿尔卑斯山的导游,曾负责指引直升机搬运木乃伊。弗里茨在一次登山中遭遇雪崩身亡。The Alpine guide Kurt Fritz organised the transportation by helicopter of the mummified remains, and was killed by a snowslide in an accident in the mountains, in an area he knew well.