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嗨,是游击手来了。Hey, it's the shortstop.

泰勒朝游击手击出一滚地球。Taylor hit a ground ball to the shortstop.

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正轮到游击手击球时,天下起雨来。The shortstop was batting when the rain began.

他还是个游击手,即便别人都不这麽认为。He was a shortstop , even if others didn't think so.

您的游击手将永远不会忘记的再实践。Your shortstop will never forget about practice again.

且事实上,他也已成为一个更茁壮的游击手。And as it turns out, he also became a bigger shortstop.

哦,那个游击手是我见过的长得最有意思的小伙子。That shortstop was the funniest looking kid I ever saw.

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游击手帅帅队长常常停在小王身边说招呼说道”好吗?小王?Shortstop Derek Jeter often stops by with a "What up, Wang?"

一个有前途的的游击手是怎么成为一个犯罪现场调查员的?。How does a potential shortstop become a crime scene investigator?

一垒手、二垒手、三垒手和游击手则叫做内野手。The first, second and third basemen and shortstop are called infielders.

杰出游击手的迅速和灵活绝对令人叹为观止。The quickness and agility of a good shortstop can certainly be awe-inspiring.

内场,内野第一垒、第二垒、第三垒和被视为一个单位的游击手的防守位置。The defensive positions of first base, second base, third base, and shortstop considered as a unit.

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洋基游击手队长在第六局上半以一垒单打继续延伸他的连续安打场次到20场。Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter extended his hitting streak to20 games with a single in the top of the sixth inning.

但是小王后来被打二支安打和帅帅队长的一次失误而造成满垒。But then Wang loaded the bases on a pair of singles and a grounder to shortstop that Derek Jeter bobbled for an error.

要是不这么做,那就类似于在一个人没有玩过、甚至没有见过棒球之前,就去判断他能否成为一个好的游击手了。To do otherwise would be a bit like trying to decide what good a shortstop is without having played or even seen baseball.

在职业生涯里,他大多数时候打二垒位置,并与游击手皮维里斯一起,结成出色的双杀组合。Playing second base for much of his career, he teamed with shortstop Pee Wee Reese in an outstanding double-play combination.

游击手的攻击偏向于中距离射程。此时如果你拉近与侦查兵的距离,对方会发现很难有效攻击到你。The Shortstop has a tight spread suited to medium range. If you close the distance, the Scout may find it more difficult to hit you.

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今年,随着棒球的全面国际化,洛杉矶道奇队将有一名来自台湾的姓胡的游击手,全名胡金龙。This year, with the internationalization of the game in full swing, the Los Angeles Dodgers have a Taiwanese shortstop named Hu -- Chin-Lung Hu.

法弗很可能将在比赛中出任游击手,为布雷特·法弗基金会募集资金。Favre typically plays shortstop in the game, which raises money for the Brett Favre Fourward Foundation, but he said he would probably be limited to being a designated hitter.