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我是来自新斯科舍的假小子。I'm a tomboy from Nova Scotia.

之后,英军转移到新斯科舍。The British troops then moved to Nova Scotia.

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时值秋夜,在我的故乡新斯科舍。It was an autumn night in my native Nova Scotia.

玛丽•赛勒斯特号于1860年在新斯科舍启航。Mary Celeste was launched in Nova Scotia in 1860.

路易斯安那州的卡津人是加拿大境内法语区的阿卡迪亚人的后裔。Acadia is an early name for the Canadian province of Nova Scotia.

我从小在拉哈夫河流域新斯科舍远离任何城市。I grew up in the LaHave River Valley of Nova Scotia far from any town.

新斯科舍和新布伦斯威克。The colony of Nova Scotia was divided into Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.

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在诺瓦斯雪省你能见到博物馆、捕鱼村,如果幸运的话,可以看到鲸。In Nova Scotia you can see museums, fishing villages and whales if you are lucky.

海洋钳工行业认证有效,但是在新斯科舍省自愿考取,。Trade certification for marine fitters is available, but voluntary, in Nova Scotia.

纽布伦斯威克省、新斯科舍省和魁北克省向所有五岁的儿童提供全日制的幼儿园教育。New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Quebec offer all-day kindergarten for five-year-olds.

它非常适合寒冷,在加拿大尼亚加拉半岛和新斯科舍省的气候地区。It is well suited to cold-climate regions in Canada's Niagara Peninsula and Nova Scotia.

草原地区和新斯科舍东部海岸的风力可用来发电。Wind across the prairies and off the east coast of Nova Scotia can generate electricity.

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1887年秋天,玛丽登上了开往北卡罗莱纳,康科尔多的斯科舍神学院的火车。In the fall of 1887, Mary boarded a train for Scotia Seminary in Concord, North Carolina.

例如,在古希腊神话中,波塞冬是标准普尔斯科舍顿神地震。For example, in ancient Greek mythology, Poseidon is the S & P Scotia Leighton god of earthquakes.

比如说,不久前的职位招聘一对做大楼管理员的夫妇,地点在加拿大新斯科舍的哈利法克斯。One recent listing, for instance, was for a building-superintendent couple in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

1974年,他移居到加拿大新斯科舍省的哈利法克斯市,并开始在当地的新斯科舍艺术与设计学院教授油画。In 1974, he moved to Halifax, Nova Scotia, to teach painting at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design.

新斯科舍省仍然依赖煤炭,安大略省则继续开发不可再生的核能。The province of Nova Scotia still depends on coal, and Ontario continues to develop nonrenewable nuclear energy.

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前不久,最大的一家媒体巨头宣布自己是一个独立王国,建立了自己的虚拟军队并入侵新斯科细亚省。Not long ago, the largest GBMC declared itself to be a nation, established a virtual army and invaded Nova Scotia.

我们不能排除这样的虚假设,即自从上一次民意测验以来,新斯科舍省啤酒消费者偏好已经发生了变化。We cannot reject the null hypothesis that the preferences of Nova Scotia beer drinkers have changed since your last poll.

郭舍经济学家从工业和城市建设方面,工业发展对城市的重要作用。Guo Scotia economists from industry and urban construction aspects of industrial development on the city's important role.