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结论儿童呼吸方式与颅面形态具有一定相关性。Conclusions Craniofacial morphology was related to the respiratory mode.

介入性栓塞治疗本病安全有效。Embolization is the safety and the best method to treat craniofacial hemangioma racemose.

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实验结果证实咬肌萎缩后,确实会影响颅颜骨型态及生长发育。It demonstrated that atrophy of masseter muscle altered the craniofacial growth and development.

本研究结果提示OSAS患者睡眠呼吸障碍严重性与颅面型之间存在一定相关性。We concluded that certain correlation existed between the severity of OSAS and craniofacial structures.

目的分析正常人颅面部宽度生长发育的特点,探讨其发育规律。Objective To study the growth characters of the craniofacial widths and then perusing its growth pattern.

因为开咬可能肇因于牙齿垂直覆盖发展不足,颅颜垂直方向生长失衡,或有不良的口腔习惯。It is due to multiple factors such as overbite development, craniofacial growth, and improper oral habits.

MPR可以较全面、细致的显示面颅骨骨折的情况,尤其是面颅骨深部的细微骨折。MPR can display the craniofacial fractures wholly and accurately, especially the tiny fracture in the deep.

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什么是'科恩综合征-罕见的先天性障碍与肥胖及精神发育迟滞'?。Cohen syndrome has several characteristics such as obesity, mental retardation and craniofacial dysmorphism.

咬合的变化影响着口颌系统功能及颅颌面骨的发育。The changes of occlusion have substantial effects on stomatognathic system function and craniofacial growth.

结论手术矫正眶距增宽症可获得满意的颜面外形效果。Conclusion Surgical orbital osteotomies was the best choice to correct the craniofacial contour in orbital hypertelorism.

结论经眶部穿通伤是颅面穿通伤的最常见类型。Conclusion Transorbital penetrating craniocerebral injuries is the most common type of penetrating craniofacial injuries.

目的研究颅颌面联合切除术治疗晚期恶性肿瘤的临床意义。Objective To investigate the clinical significance of craniofacial resection for advanced malignant tumors of OMS region.

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目的分析手术治疗颅面发育不良所致突眼症的效果和并发症。Objective To analyze the efficacy and complications of the surgical correction of exophthalmos in craniofacial synostosis.

此研究由美国卫生资源与服务部母婴卫生办公署和国立口腔与颅面研究所提供资助。Funding was provided by HRSA Maternal and Child Health Bureau and the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research.

除了下颌骨形态和大小正常外,整个颅面区都发生了显著改变。Marked differences were found in nearly all craniofacial regions except that the mandibles have fairly normal size and shape.

研究显示,颅面部异常的类型和部位、其他肌肉骨科异常和系统异常都与之有关。The type and site of the craniofacial abnormalities, other musculoskeletal deformities, and systemic anomalies were recorded.

慢性鼻窦炎一般多由反覆感染所引起,经由头颅颜面外伤所引起的病例倒不多见。Chronic paranasal sinusitis is usually caused by recurrent infection. The case of sinusitis due to craniofacial trauma is rare.

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这名女婴,拉丽,明显的患有一种极其罕见的颅面重合症,一个头却有两张脸。The baby, Lali, apparently has an extremely rare condition known as craniofacial duplication, where a single head has two faces.

我们提出一位24岁男性,因为车祸造成硬脑膜外血肿以及颅骨和颜面骨骨折。We present a 24-year-old man with traumatic epidural hemorrhage and craniofacial bone fractures due to a motor vehicle accident.

目的探讨颅面部骨化性纤维瘤的CT和MRI表现,提高其诊断准确性。Objective To investigate CT and MRI findings of ossifying fibroma of craniofacial region in order to improve the diagnostic accuracy.