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轻喜剧是18世纪风格的集合体。The operetta is a pastiche of 18th century style.

在他的第二祖国,家人经营一个西班牙轻歌剧团。In his adopted country his family ran a Spanish operetta troupe.

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他最大的优点就是全身心投入工作——从歌剧到流行音乐和轻歌剧。His greatest merit was to have worked with it totally, from opera to opo and operetta.

布达佩斯轻歌剧剧场开始,并作为奥菲厄姆直到第一次世界大战成功。The Budapest Operetta Theater began as an orpheum and was successful until World War I.

轻歌剧是于1850年代,由奥芬巴赫在巴黎创作而起。The operetta is considered to have originated in the 1850s in Paris by the composer Jacques Offenbach.

布达佩斯轻歌剧剧院参观旅行时,在这个自由布达佩斯视频旅游小贴士。Visit the Budapest Operetta Theater when traveling to Budapest with tips in this free video on tourism.

布达佩斯轻歌剧剧院提供了一个良好的语言环境中的不同音乐剧的经验。The Budapest Operetta Theater offers an excellent musical theater experience in different language environments.

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了解历史的轻歌剧剧院旅行时,在这个自由布达佩斯视频旅游小贴士。Learn about the history of the Operetta Theater when traveling to Budapest with tips in this free video on tourism.

奥芬巴赫是著名的轻歌剧大师,他开创了轻歌剧这样一个幽默通俗、独具特色的新的歌剧形式。Offenbach is a famous operetta master, and was the creator of operetta, a humorous, conventional, and unique entertaining means.

轻歌剧就是繁荣于19世纪末至20世纪初的一种重要歌剧样式。Operetta is an important kind of opera, which just flourished in the period of the late 19th century and the early 20th century.

这出小歌剧讲述的是一个名叫贝蒂娜的女孩儿的故事,在剧中她被一个农夫派去照看他倒霉兄弟的火鸡。The operetta is about a girl named Bettina who is sent to take care of the turkeys of an unlucky farmer by the farmer's brother.

尽管欧洲轻歌剧对音乐剧的影响一目了然,但在我们看来音乐剧主要还是美式的。Still, we can observe that the musical is primarily an American form, even if it showed clear evidence of influence from European operetta.

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在一个大众传媒仅限于纸质出版物的年代,像“吉祥物”这样的一出歌剧已足以为英文词汇添丁了。In a time when mass media was restricted to print and live performance an operetta like La Mascotte was enough to launch a new word into English.

它揭开了维也纳轻歌剧银色时代的序幕,提高了舞蹈、民间音乐在轻歌剧中的地位,促使轻歌剧向风格多元化的道路上发展。It preludes the Silver Age of Viennese operetta, enhances the position of dancing and folk music in operetta and diversifies the operetta styles.

为给工作带来娱乐,学员们在一家制桶工厂排练一声小歌剧,在那里他们体验工人的生活,同时接受思想改造。Taking fun to work, students rehearse for an operetta in a bucket factory, where they share the life of workers while undergoing ideological training.

就在1880年底的当儿,一出名为“吉祥物”的独幕小歌剧以法语首演,并随后于1881年用英语演出,从而将“mascot”一词引入英语国家。Right at the end of 1880 an operetta called La Mascotte played first in French and then in English in 1881 introducing the English speaking world to the word mascot.