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好,演绎还是归纳?Okay, deductive or inductive?

好现在我们首先来看看演绎论点。Okay now lets look at deductive argument first.

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区分归纳推理和演绎推理。Distinguish between inductive and deductive reasoning.

哪些是演绎的?我的左边还是右边。Which of these are deductive? My left or right. Right.

如果你记得我们看演绎论点的完好。If you remember we looked at deductive arguments sound.

用演绎法推算的结果是错误的。The result calculated by the deductive method is wrong.

定义说明文可用演绎法或归纳法展开。A definition paper may be either deductive or inductive.

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一个好的演绎论点给我们有条件的确定性。A good deductive argument gives us conditional certainty.

如果你认为这是演绎的请举手,好。Okay put up your hands if you think it's deductive. Well done.

前提是房子很乱,归纳还是演绎?The premise is that the house is a mess. Inductive or deductive?

你应该知道演绎的论点是一个非此即彼的东西。You should know that a deductive argument is an either-or thing.

白浪河一直被潍坊人演绎成了标志性一条河。Bailang he has been Weifang who became a symbol of a deductive river.

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没有现代的实验技术,菲茨杰拉德必须运用演绎推理。Lacking modern lab techniques, Fitzgerald must use deductive reasoning.

法官适用法律中主要运用演绎推理或三段论推理。The application of law mainly uses deductive inference or syllogism inference.

当然解释的推理过程为三段论式的演绎推理。Natural interpretation's inference coursing is deductive inference of syllogism.

行为学也是由一个先验的元范出发,而靠演棒的推理来展开的。Praxeology too starts from an apriori category and proceeds by deductive reasoning.

你不能认为演绎论点是确定的,归纳论点是不确定的。You mustn't think that deductive argument is certain and inductive arguments aren't.

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演绎推理和非演绎推理经常被运用到数学证明中。Deductive inference and non-deductive inference are often used in mathematical proof.

用演绎法建立了潜油电泵系统的故障树。The fault tree of electric submersible pump system is established by deductive method.

你们要记住的唯一的事就是,演绎论点有确定性。Right the only thing you have to remember is that the deductive argument has certainty.